BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20091109T000000Z DTEND:20091115T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<p style="text-align: justify\;">The Secretary of Press and Dif fusion of the Argentine Nikkei Center reports:<p style="text-align: justif y\;"> <strong>WEEKLY AGENDA OF JAPAN-RELATED ACTIVITIES __________________ ______________________________</strong> <strong>Monday\, November 9 to Sun day\, November 15\, 2009</strong><p style="text-align: justify\;"><p style ="text-align: justify\;"><p style="text-align: justify\;"> <strong>MONDAY 9</strong> . Exhibition of manga\, calligraphy and origami drawings\, from 9.30 to 12.30 and from 14 to 17 hs. At Paraguay 1126\, Cdad. de Bs. As. < strong>TUESDAY 10</strong> . Seminar: "Overview of Japanese Technical Coop eration in Argentina" At the M. Belgrano auditorium (Esmeralda 1218\, PB\, Cdad. de Bs. As.)\, 10 am. Participatory Orchid workshop\, from 3 to 5 pm . At the Japanese Garden (Casares y Berro avenue\, Cdad. de Bs. As.).<p st yle="text-align: justify\;"><p style="text-align: justify\;"> <strong>WEDN ESDAY 11</strong> . Radio program: "JAPAN TODAY" the following topics are presented: "The manga phenomenon"\, "Japanese music" and an interview with authorities from the Japanese Argentine Private Institute (Nichia Gakuin) \, among others. On Radio Palermo FM 93.9\, from 5 to 6 pm. www.japon-hoy. or <a href=""> r</a> . Japanese film series: "Las gafas" by Naoki Ogigami\, 6 pm. At Para guay 1126\, Cdad. de Bs. As. <strong>FRIDAY 13</strong> . Demonstration of the Tea Ceremony\, at 3 pm. At the Cultural Center of the Japanese Embass y (Paraguay 1126\, Cdad. de Bs. As.)<p style="text-align: justify\;"> <str ong>SATURDAY 14 and SUNDAY 15.</strong> Manga and Anime Days\, from 10 a.m . to 6 p.m. At the Japanese Garden (Casares and Berro avenues\, Bs. As. Ci ty) Admission: $8.-<p style="text-align: justify\;"> Activities related to Japan (for all audiences) that you wish to disseminate/promote\, please s end them to the following email address: (ref.: CNAN EWS - Weekly Agenda)\, thank you very much.<p style="text-align: justify\; "> We appreciate your attention\,<p style="text-align: justify\;"> We gree t you sincerely.<p style="text-align: justify\;"><p style="text-align: jus tify\;"> CENTRO NIKKEI ARGENTINO Press and Diffusion Office. _____________ ________________________ CNA NEWS is a free information and news service o f the Press and Diffusion Office of the Centro Nikkei Argentino. Subscribe rs receive free of charge via email: agenda of activities related to Japan \, job searches and offers\, notes and information related to Japan. Those who wish to join this medium should contact: (CNANE WS). Director: Ricardo G. Hokama _____________________________________ Vis it the websites: (Centro Nikkei Argentino) www.cen (Publication Nikkei Argentino)\n\n DTSTAMP:20250124T220912Z SUMMARY:Weekly Agenda of Activities Related to Japan in Argentina (Monday\, November 9 to Sunday\, November 15\, 2009) URL:/en/events/2009/11/09/ja-2100/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR