Closing Reception - Art Inspired by APA

  • en

1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m.

Japanese American Musuem of San Jose
535 N. fifth Street
San Jose, California, 95112
United States

Join the Asian American Women Artists Association and Japanese American Museum of San Jose for a multimedia exhibition featuring 9 local and national artists inspired by the rich history of Japanese American agricultural crafts, legacies and present-day community placemaking.

Artwork will include paintings, sculptures, films and multimedia installations inspired by a diverse range of subjects including artists’ own family farms along the west coast, local activities such as strawberry picking, agriculture-related mythological figures such as the Goddess of Rice and kitsune (fox), the contemporary relationship of farming labor practices and eco-justice, and the agricultural connection between Japan the Americas. Agrarianaa artworks will be in dialog with the permanent collection of the Japanese American Museum of San Jose, which chronicles more than a century of Japanese American history.

Bring some seeds, cuttings or potted plants to swap with someone else and celebrate the ending to an amazing show!




JAMsj . 更新日 2019年9月2日




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12月9日 Threads of Hybridity

United Statesにおけるイベント

12月7日 Two Day Workshop: Practical Cloth Making
12月7日 After The Storm - Film
12月14日 JANM Members Only: Coffee and Community
12月14日 "One Puka Puka Christmas"



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