Hyphen presents Generations: 25 Issues, 10 Years
2012年6月30 | ||
7:00p.m. |
SomArts Cultural Center
934 Brannan Street
San Francisco, California, 94130
United States
Nicki Sun | http://www.nickisun.com/
A1 (Above as One) | http://about.me/ABOVEasONE
Cynthia Lin | http://cynthialin.com/
Senbei | http://colinresponse.tumblr.com/
Johnny Hi-Fi | http://johnnyhi-fi.com/DJ Jon Reyes | @stankpalmer
DJ Dru Benzon | @drubenzon
Alex Carbonel | http://www.alexcarbonel.com/
Tantrum | http://www.myspace.com/tantrumonthemic
Mandeep Sethi | http://www.mandeepsethi.com/
Smitten Ice Cream | http://smittenicecream.com/
Haamonii | http://haamoniismooth.com/
Vuqo Vodka | http://www.vuqo.com/
Black Star Beer | http://blackstarbeer.com/
RAMA | http://www.gostudiorama.com/
Kollaboration | http://kollaborationsf.org/
NAAAP | http://www.naaapsf.org/
AADP | http://www.facebook.com/AADP.org
Asia Society Northern California | http://asiasociety.org/centers/northern-california
We did the math (hyuck hyuck), and it's been a scintillating 3,652 days. That's more than a dozen accolades and thousands of interviews, features, profiles, tweets, posts, blogs, and tiger mom-busting, community-building stereotype-challenging thought pieces later.
Or put more simply, 10 years and a landmark 25th issue later.
It's time to celebrate in a major way. How major? We're pulling out all the stops for an evening of entertainment to kick off our big birthday in style as only Hyphen can.
Join us for a toast at the gorgeous SOMArts Cultural Center for an unforgettable look back at the past 10 years, and a celebration of the next 10. We look forward to seeing you there!
For more information, please visit the Facebook event page at https://www.facebook.com/events/254317918006559/.
llan . 更新日 2012年6月23日