2011年6月26 |
5415 N Clark
Chicago, Illinois
United States
Loving Day is a series of national celebrations throughout the month of June that commemorate Loving vs. Virginia, the 1967 Supreme Court case which banned anti-miscegenation (interracial marriage) laws in the United States.
In honor of Loving Day, on Sunday, June 26, the JACL Chicago chapter is hosting a screening of "One Big Hapa Family," a film by half-Japanese Canadian filmmaker Jeff Chiba Stearns. Learn more about the film here.
Sunday, June 26
JACL Chicago Office - 5415 N. Clark Street
"One Big Hapa Family" film screening: 2-3 PM
"Identity is not a Math Equation" workshop: 3:15 - 4:30 PM
Light refreshments will be available.
For more information, please contact Christine Munteanu
Chicago Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League
5415 N. Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60640
(773) 728-7171
Following the film, JACL Ford Fellow Christine Munteanu will host "Identity is not a Math Equation," a workshop on multiracial identity. The workshop will examine the issues involved in racial identity formation, cover the history of racial categorization and mixed race in America, and focus on the unique experiences of multiracial and multiethnic Asian Pacific Americans.
intrepidmouse . 更新日 2011年6月22日