JAHSSC Author/Artist Faire
2010年3月6 | ||
11:00a.m. - 5:00p.m. |
Katy Geissert Civic Center Library
3301 Torrance Bl.
Torrance, California, 90503
United States
19 authors and 5 artists to assemble with their work. 5 brief presentations every hour on the half hour, reading from their new work: Naomi Hirahara, Blood Hina; Aiko Herzig, Words Can Lie or Clarify: Terminology of WWII Incarceration of Japanese Americans; traci kato kiriyama, signaling; Stanley Kanzaki, The Issei Prisoners of San Pedro Internment Center; Wakako Yamauchi, Rosebud. Artwork/crafts by Mary Nomura, Yasuko Sakamoto, Mary Emi, Mary Higuchi & Ruby Tabata. DVDs screened during day: Sharon Yamato, bio Michi Weglyn; Eiko Masuyama, Buddhist Church Experience in Camp. Other authors: Lane Hirabayashi, Don Hata, Diana Bahr, Valerie Matsumoto, Glenn Omatsu, Jack Fujimoto, Midori Kamei, Kathy Kobayashi, Kaori Tanegashima, Ansho Mas Uchima. Senshin Otoki cookbook on sale at reduced price.
JAHSSC . 更新日 2010年7月9日