Documentary Screening: On Paper Wings
2010年2月18 | ||
6:30p.m. |
The International School
025 SW Sherman St.
Portland, Oregon, 97201
United States
Movie Information: On Paper Wings Movie site
When : Thursday, February 18, 2010 from 6:30PM
Where : The International School, 025 SW Sherman St., Portland, OR 97201
Cost : FREE, donations to the filmmaker are welcome
In 1945, a Japanese balloon bomb in Bly, Oregon claimed the lives of the only people killed on the continental U.S. as a result of enemy action during WWII.
Forty years later, the decision to fold a thousand paper cranes would unite the Japanese and American civilians who were involved in and affected by this incident.
Please join JETAA and The International School (TIS) in their co-sponsored showing of this moving and revealing award-winning documentary.
Contact : RSVP to
Oregon_Nikkei . 更新日 2010年7月9日