Yoko Noge's Japanesque A Fusion of Japanese Traditional Music and Chicago Blues

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Performing Arts


Andy's Jazz Club
11 E. Hubbard St.
Chicago, Illinois, 60611
United States

Yoko Noge's Japanesque
at Andy's Jazz Club

featuring Amy Homma of JASC Tsukasa Taiko &
Tatsu Aoki on Shamisen

Friday, October 9th, 2009
Saturday, October 10th, 2009

A Fusion of Japanese Traditional Music
and Chicago Blues

Featuring: Yoko Noge (Vocals & Piano)
Tatsu Aoki(Shamisen)
Amy Homma (Taiko Drums)
Bugs Cochran (Drums)
Jimmy Burns (Guitar & Vocals)
Greg McDaniel (Bass)
Jimmy Ellis (Alto Sax)

Admission: $15 ($10 before 8:30PM)
Dinner reservations-2 hour seating: 312.642.6805
Andy's Jazz Club
11 E. Hubbard St., Chicago, IL, 60611

Download Yoko Noge's Japanesque flier here .

What does Japanese Minyo (folk music) have in common with Chicago Blues? Both musical forms are deeply rooted in people's souls and grew from their everyday life experience. Some songs are about hard labor, some are about crying for lost love, some are about paying the rent. You will be surprised to hear music from these two very different cultures meld together to create a new cross-border root music.


Sponsors include:
Illinois Arts Council, Alphawood Foundation Chicago, The Joyce Foundation, Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs, Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation,
Richard H. Driehaus Foundation

JASC Tsukasa Taiko is a program of Asian Improv aRts Midwest and the Japanese American Service Committee of Chicago.
Contact Tsukasa Taiko for booking performances, workshops, lecture, demonstrations, and to find out about class/workshop schedules and JASC member/family discounts, please contact the JASC at 773.275.0097 ext. 229 or at programs@jasc-chicago.org





intrepidmouse . 更新日 2010年7月9日




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