

ドキュメンタリー映画"Finding Home"大阪上映会

Film & Other Media
In Person
美ら風南風(ちゅらかじふぇーかじ)/ Churakajifuukaji
大阪市西区靭本町 1-7-3 PAX ビル 1F  1-7-3 Utsubo Hommachi, Nishi-ku, Osaka 日本

日付: 2007年6月19日

タイトル: 18:30

ドキュメンタリー映画 "FINDING HOME" 上映会 @大阪市



大阪市西区靭本町 1-7-3 PAX ビル 1F 
TEL : 06-6459-1635 FAX : 06-6459-1636 
E-mail : mail@oritori.com


With the kind assistance of Donna Fujimoto I have just made arrangements to have an informal screening of the Finding Home documentary in Osaka on Tues. evening, June 19th starting at 6:30 pm. I will be there to present the work and answer questions. The screening is at an Okinawan restaurant. We will view the documentary and then have dinner at the restaurant. I believe the restaurant is moderately priced. I am hoping that those of you that cannot come to Tokyo for the screenings scheduled there can come to this one. I look forward to seeing you there. Bring your friends.

Art Nomura
Director/Producer - Finding Home
Fulbright Researcher
Professor, Loyola Marymount University

Location and directions:

Place: Churakajifuukaji
1-7-3 Utsubo Hommachi
Nishi-ku, Osaka

tel 06-6459-1635

Directions: At Nishi-Umeda Station (Yotsubashi line) go one stop to Higobashi. Go out of the exit which is nearest the front of the train (not sure, but I think it is exit 8) When you get to the street level, you will be on Yotsubashi suji (street), go to your right and you should see a Family Mart on the other side of the street. (If you see a Starbucks then you are going in the wrong direction) At the Family Mart turn left. At the very next possible turn, go right. You will see a banner for Orion beer on the right hand side. This is the restaurant.

Directions for walking to the restaurant: From Nishi Umeda area (near Hilton Hotel) walk along Yotsubashi suji on the left side. You'll find the Family Mart and follow the directions above.

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asianimprov Updated 2024年12月7日

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