BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20091002T000000Z DTEND:20091002T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In the 1930s photographer Ansel Adams struck up a friendship wi th California painter Chiura Obata. Yet the arrival of World War II would set these two celebrated artists on radically divergent paths &mdash\; pat hs that would\, in very different ways\, lead both to the now-infamous "wa r relocation centers" at which the U.S. government forcibly interred appro ximately 120\,000 Japanese-Americans.\n\nOn Oct. 2 their sons\, Michael Ad ams and Gyo Obata\, will explore the impact of internment on their respect ive families in a public dialog at Washington University in St. Louis. The talk is held in conjunction with the exhibition&nbsp\;<em>A Challenge to Democracy: Ethnic Profiling of Japanese Americans During World War II</em> \, on view in the Teaching Gallery of the Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum. Both the talk and the exhibition are part of the semester-long series "Eth nic Profiling: A Challenge to Democracy\," organized by the university's C enter for the Study of Ethics &amp\; Human Values.\n\n<a href="http://news"> ws/page/normal/14775.html</a> DTSTAMP:20241009T124308Z SUMMARY:Remembering the Internment: A Conversation by the Sons of Chiura Ob ata and Ansel Adams URL:/en/events/2009/10/02/remembering-the-internment-a-conversation-by-the/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR