BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090618T000000Z DTEND:20091129T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Japanese Mandalas: Emanations and Avatars</strong>\n\nJ une 18\, 2009&ndash\;November 29\, 2009\n\nThe Metropolitan Museum of Art\ n\nThe Sackler Wing Galleries for the Arts of Japan\n\n"The introduction o f Esoteric Buddhism to Japan from mainland China in the ninth century fore ver changed the visual landscape of Japanese religion\, and of Japanese ar t as a whole. The rituals of Mikkyō Buddhism\, or the "Secret Teachings\, " as the newly imported doctrine was called\, involve a preponderance of a rrestingly beautiful and fearsome images that aim to reveal ultimate truth s to the initiated. At the core of Mikkyō is the Mandalas of Both Worlds\ , paired cosmic diagrams of the Diamond World and the Womb World. The inst allation explores the art of Mikkyō Buddhism from the models used to crea te these mandalas to the images they inspired. Important early iconographi c drawings\, paintings\, sculpture\, and textiles from the Metropolitan's permanent collection are displayed with outstanding works from the Brookly n Museum\, the Princeton University Art Museum\, the Burke Foundation\, an d several North American private collections." \n \n The exhibition is mad e possible by The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Foundation\n\nhttp://www.metmu\n\nThe Metropolitan Museum of Art\n1000 Fifth Avenue\nNe w York\, New York 10028-0198\n Phone: 212-535-7710 DTSTAMP:20240908T152432Z SUMMARY:Japanese Mandalas: Emanations and Avatars URL:/en/events/2009/06/18/japanese-mandalas-emanations-and-avatars/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR