BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090420T000000Z DTEND:20090429T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Press and Diffusion Secretary of the Argentine Nikkei Cente r informs: WEEKLY AGENDA OF ACTIVITIES RELATED TO JAPAN __________________ ______________________________ Monday\, April 20 to Sunday\, April 26\, 20 09 MONDAY\, April 20. Sumie (Japanese calligraphy) Exhibition. Until April 30. At the Japanese Garden (Casares y Berro Avenue\, Buenos Aires City)\, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Admission: $ 5.- WEDNESDAY\, April 22. Radio progr am "JAPAN TODAY". Among other topics: "news from Japan" and "concepts of t he prominent Mexican Nikkei businessman\, Carlos Kasuga\, on his visit to Buenos Aires”\, from 5 to 6 pm. On radio Palermo FM 93.9 and on the web: or FRIDAY 23 . Demonstration of the Tea Ceremony by Prof. Emiko Arimidzu\, at 3 pm. At the Cultural In formation Center of the Japanese Embassy (Paraguay 1126\, Cdad. Bs. As.). Practice of the Japanese language "Ochaberi" with native Japanese\, at 7 p m. At the CNA (Bulnes 841\, Cdad. de Bs. As.). Contribution: $ 5.- . Japan ese recreational gymnastics\, 4 pm. At the Japanese Garden (Casares and Be rro avenues\, Buenos Aires). (Bs. As. City) Admission: $ 5.- SATURDAY 24 . Stand of the Japanese Embassy and the Argentine Center for Former Scholar ship Students at the Book Fair (until the end of April). At the exhibition grounds of the Rural Society\, Palermo. . Japanese theater talk\, from 4: 30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Japanese Garden (Casares y Berro avenue\, Bs. As. C ity) Admission: $ 5.- SUNDAY 25 . National Aikido Meeting\, from 2 to 6 p. m. at the Japanese Garden (Casares y Berro avenue\, Bs. As. City) Admissio n: $ 5.- Activities related to Japan (for all audiences) that you wish to publicize/promote\, please send them to the following email: cnanews@argen (ref.: CNANEWS - Weekly Agenda)\, thank you very much. We appreci ate your attention. Best regards. ARGENTINE NIKKEI CENTER Press and Diffus ion Secretariat. _____________________________________ CNA NEWS is a free information and news service of the Press and Diffusion Secretariat of the Argentine Nikkei Center. Subscribers receive free of charge via email: ag enda of activities related to Japan\, job searches and offers\, notes and information related to Japan. Those who wish to join this medium should co ntact: (CNANEWS). Director: Ricardo G. Hokama ______ _______________________________ Visit the websites: r (Argentine Nikkei Center) (Argentine Nikk ei Publication) \n DTSTAMP:20250125T053910Z SUMMARY:WEEKLY AGENDA OF JAPAN-RELATED ACTIVITIES IN ARGENTINA (Monday\, Ap ril 20 to Sunday\, April 26\, 2009) URL:/en/events/2009/04/20/agenda-semanal-de-act-ividades-relacionadas-al-ja p/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR