BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090502T000000Z DTEND:20090502T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Discover Nikkei will present a special activity as part of the Imagined Futures Conference presented by the Aratani Endowed Chair\, UCLA\ , and the Japanese American National Museum.\n\n<strong>Discover Nikkei Co mmunity Collage</strong>\nSaturday\, May 2\, 2009 \n1 - 5 pm \n\n<strong>F REE WITH PRE-REGISTRATION!</strong>\n\nImagined Futures is a one day confe rence for up and coming Asian Pacific American artists featuring keynote a ddresses by Eric Nakamura of Giant Robot and actor George Takei\, followed by 2-hour workshops where participants will learn from established artist s. The workshops will be followed by closing remarks and a light reception .\n\nThis event is FREE\, but you must pre-register at: <a href="https://s\;hl=en&amp \;pli=1"> 6UQ&amp\;hl=en&amp\;pli=1</a>\n\nJapanese American National Museum \n369 E ast First St \nLos Angeles\, CA 90012\n\n\n<strong>DISCOVER NIKKEI COMMUNI TY COLLAGE</strong>\n\nShare a picture\, story\, or item and find your own connection within our community.\n\nParticipants will create a community collage by posting their drawings\, text\, or items (plastic bags will be available to place items into) around themes of "Community" and "Culture". \n\nParticipants will create a community collage by posting their drawings \, text\, or items (plastic bags will be available to place items into) ar ound themes of "Community" and "Identity".\n\nThis collage will be created and only exist between 4-5pm. The project will be documented and used to create a Nikkei Album collection. Afterwards\, it will be dismantled. Post ed items will not be returned.\n\nCheck out photos from our first Communit y Collage in the Nikkei Album: <a href="/nikkeialbum/en/node/12538">Discov er Nikkei Community Collage - March 2009</a>\n<strong>CONFERENCE PROGRAM</ strong>\n\n1-2pm Welcome\nSpecial Opening Performance by UCLA's NSU Modern \nOpening Remarks by Prof. Lane Hirabayashi\, Koji Sakai\, and Emily Moris hima\n\nKeynote Speakers: \n\nEric Nakamura of Giant Robot\nGeorge Takei\, Actor \n\n2-4pm Workshops: \n• Filmmaking with director/writer/producer Quentin Lee\n• Anime/Comics with Jeff Yang and Parry Shen\, Editors of Secret Identities:the Asian American Superhero Anthology\n• Blogs/New Me dia with Phil Yu of Angry Asian Man\n• Spoken Word/Hip Hop with LA hip-h op sensation Shin-B\n• Fiction with award winning writer\, Naomi Hirahar a\n• The Art and Business of Clothes with Ryan Suda of Blacklava\n\n4-5p m Closing Light Reception\n\nFor details on the workshops\, go here:\n<a h ref="">http://www.faceboo</a>\n\nSpace is limited and the workshops are filling fast\, so sign up now!\n DTSTAMP:20250126T081612Z SUMMARY:Discover Nikkei's Community Collage @ the Imagined Futures Conferen ce on Sat\, May 2\, 2009 URL:/en/events/2009/05/02/discover-nikkeis-community-collage--the-imagined- f/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR