BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080317T000000Z DTEND:20080323T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Press and Diffusion Secretariat of the Argentine Nikkei Cen ter informs: WEEKLY AGENDA OF ACTIVITIES RELATED TO JAPAN ________________ ___________________________________ Monday\, March 17 to Sunday\, March 23 \, 2008 MONDAY\, March 17 ________ . Annual Japanese Culture Courses 2008 (last weeks to register to join) At the CNA (Bulnes 841\, Cap. Fed.)\, fro m 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Information: 4862-7774 / ar . Oshibana exhibition\, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (until March 30) . Photography exhibition "110 years of Argentine - Japanese friendship"\, f rom 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (until March 30)\, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m . At the Japanese Garden (Casares y Berro Ave.\, Cap. Fed.) Admission: $5. - TUESDAY 18 _________ . Annual Meeting of Former Japanese Scholarship Rec ipients\, 6:30 p.m. At the Cultural and Information Center of the Japanese Embassy (Paraguay 1126\, Cap. Fed.) (only for former Japanese scholarship recipients and with reservations at: 4816-1609 ext. 18). . Zen Meditation \, 4 p.m. At the Japanese Garden (Casares y Berro Ave.\, Cap. Fed.) Admiss ion: $5.- . Free Ikebana classes by the Ohara School\, 10 a.m. At the Cult ural and Information Center of the Japanese Embassy (Paraguay 1126\, Cap. Fed.) WEDNESDAY 19 ____________ . Tea Ceremony demonstration by sensei Soh o Higurashi from Japan\, 4 p.m. At the Japanese Garden (Casares y Berro av .\, Cap. Fed.) Entrance: $ 5.- THURSDAY 20 _________ . Free Ikebana classe s by the Ohara School\, 10 am. At the Cultural and Information Center of t he Japanese Embassy (Paraguay 1126\, Cap. Fed.) FRIDAY 21 _________ . Tea Ceremony demonstration by Emiko Arimidzu\, 2:30 pm. At the Cultural and In formation Center of the Japanese Embassy (Paraguay 1126\, Cap. Fed.) . Go tournament\, 2 pm. . Literary afternoon: "History of Immigration"\, 5 pm. At the Japanese Garden (Casares y Berro av.\, Cap. Fed.) Entrance: $ 5.- S ATURDAY 22 _________ . Reiki talk and demonstration\, 3 pm. . Introduction to the Japanese Language by prof. Ochi Keiko of the Argentine Nikkei Cent er\, 16.30 hrs. In the Japanese Garden (Casares y Berro av.\, Cap. Fed.) E ntrance: $ 5.- SUNDAY 23 __________ . Talk and Bonsai demonstration\, 15 h rs. . Talk on Japanese Immigration\, 16 hrs. . Tea Ceremony by Emiko Arimi dzu\, 17 hrs. In the Japanese Garden (Casares y Berro av.\, Cap. Fed.) Ent rance: $ 5.- Activities related to Japan (for all audiences)\, that you wi sh to disseminate / or promote\, send them to the email: cnanews@argentina .com (ref.: CNANEWS - Weekly Agenda)\, thank you very much. We appreciate your attention. Best regards. ARGENTINE NIKKEI CENTER Press and Diffusion Secretariat. _____________________________________ CNA NEWS is a free news and information service of the Press and Diffusion Secretariat of the Arg entine Nikkei Center. Subscribers receive free of charge via email: agenda of activities related to Japan\, job searches and job offers\, notes and information related to Japan. Those who wish to join this medium should co ntact: (CNANEWS). Director: Ricardo G. Hokama ______ _______________________________ Visit the websites: r (Argentine Nikkei Center) (Argentine Nikk ei Publication) \n\n DTSTAMP:20250125T060547Z SUMMARY:WEEKLY AGENDA OF JAPAN-RELATED ACTIVITIES IN ARGENTINA (Monday\, Ma rch 17 to Sunday\, March 23\, 2008) URL:/en/events/2008/03/17/agenda-semanal-de-actividades-relacionadas-al-jap o/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR