BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080310T000000Z DTEND:20080705T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In late 1999\, the <em>Denver Post</em> named Ralph Carr as the "Colorado Person of the Century." With the publication of Adam Schrager' s new book\, <em>The Principled Politician: The Ralph Carr Story</em>\, se veral opportunities will be available to learn more about this Coloradoan who impacted the lives of many Japanese Americans during World War II. He re are just a few:\n\n- March 10 at 10:30 a.m. at the Denver Newspaper Age ncy Auditorium\nGov. Bill Ritter and KUSA 9News reporter Adam Schrager wil l discuss Adam's new book\, "The Principled Politician -- The Ralph Carr S tory" as part of Colorado SPJ's Rocky Talk series...\n<a href="http://www."></a>\n\n- April 15 at the C olorado Historical Society\n9 News legislative reporter Adam Schrager will examine the decision of Colorado’s most courageous governor to stand up for Japanese-Americans after Pearl Harbor. And he’ll answer the questio n of why Ralph Carr felt it was so important to do so that he was willing to ruin his political career over the decision. ...\n<a href="http://192.7 0.175.134/programs/current%5Flectures/closer%5Fcont.htm">http://192.70.175 .134/programs/current%5Flectures/closer%5Fcont.htm</a>\n\n- July 5\, 2008 at the Hyatt Regency at the Colorado Convention Center\nAdam Schrager will be the keynote luncheon speaker at the Japanese American National Museum' s national conference. The registration packet can be downloaded from the web:\n<a href="">http://www.ja</a> DTSTAMP:20250126T042616Z SUMMARY:Colorado's Governor Ralph Carr URL:/en/events/2008/03/10/colorados-governor-ralph-carr/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR