BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090214T000000Z DTEND:20090215T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Transnational/Transcultural Comparative Area Studies <b>- Towar d a New University Education in a Multilingual and Multicultural Society - </b> Research has been conducted in various regions and academic fields on the multilingual and multicultural situations of nation-states that have become evident with globalization. Research on multilingual and multicultu ral situations has progressed not only in the fields of area studies\, hum anities\, and social sciences\, but also in fields that were previously th ought to be unadjacent. However\, each research is subdivided by target re gion and field\, and opportunities to share research results and concerns are limited. There is also a need to further develop research in "border" areas that go beyond existing analytical units such as "nation\," "culture \," and "ethnicity." Therefore\, this symposium will share the results and challenges of research on multilingual and multicultural situations in va rious regions and fields\, and will explore the possibility of constructin g a new analytical framework for transnational and transcultural comparati ve area studies by reexamining existing theories\, methodologies\, analyti cal categories\, and discourses. In addition\, by comparatively examining research and educational efforts on multilingual and multicultural situati ons in higher education institutions in each country\, we will consider th e possibilities and challenges of putting this new approach to comparative regional studies into practice in higher education.Date <b>and Time:</b> Saturday\, February 14\, 2009\, 10:00-17:45\, Sunday\, February 15\, 10:00 -17:30Venue <b>:</b> Room 227\, Research and Lecture Building\, Tokyo Univ ersity of Foreign StudiesCapacity <b>:</b> 200 <b>peopleParticipation Fee: </b> Free (Social Gathering Only: 3\,000 yen) <b>Organizer:</b> Tokyo Univ ersity of Foreign Studies Center for Research in Multilingual and Multicul tural EducationHow <b>to Apply:</b> Please apply using the application for m below. <a href=" .html"> ies</a> <b>:</b> <a></a> (Person in Charge: Yoon Hye young)For more information on the day\, such as the schedule\, please visi t the website below. <a href=" 12/post_75.html"> ml</a>\n DTSTAMP:20250118T172704Z SUMMARY:Participants are being called for the International Symposium "Rese arch on Multilingual and Multicultural Societies around the World" on Febr uary 14th and 15th\, 2009! URL:/en/events/2009/02/14/transnational/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR