BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20061111T000000Z DTEND:20070218T000000Z DESCRIPTION:COMING TO THE JAPANESE AMERICAN NATIONAL MUSEUM.....\n\nthat yo u MUST see...\n\nANSEL ADAMS AT MANZANAR!!!!\n\nAnsel Adams at Manzanar op ens on NOVEMBER 11\, 2006 and will run until February 18\, 2007.\n\nSpurre d by a sense that democracy had failed during World War II with the U.S. g overnment's unconstitutional incarceration of thousands of Japanese Americ ans\, photographer Ansel Adams visited the Manzanar\, California concentra tion camp in 1943 and 1944 to document the inmates efforts to build a comm unity within a prison. Usually overshadowed by his iconic American landsca pes\, the Manzanar photographs allowed Adams "to show (that) these people\ , suffering under a great injustice\, and loss of property\, businesses an d professions\, had overcome the sense of defeat and despair by building f or themselves a vital community in an arid (but magnificent) environment." \n\nThis photographic exhibition\, Ansel Adams at Manzanar\, is organized by the Honolulu Academy of Arts and will feature more than fifty of Adams' vintage prints\, including portraits and photgraphs of inmates working ou tdoors with the backdrop of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.\n\nDONT MISS OUT\ , BE SURE TO SEE ANSEL ADAMS AT MANZANAR!\n\nIn addition to the exhibition \, we have some really great Exhibition-Related Public Programs:\n(please visit our website at <a href=""></a> for mo re details!)\n\nSunday November 12\, 2006 2PM: \nA conversation with Curat or Dr. Anne Hammond: "Why Ansel Adams Went to Manzanar"\n\nNovember 16-Dec ember 3\, 2006: \nAward winning Cornerstone Theater Company's Adaptation o f Farewell to Manzanar. Please see for performance dates and times\, as well as information concerning tickets.\n\nSaturday November 11 \, 2PM\, 7:00PM\, 8:30PM:\nPilgrimage: A Film by Tad Nakamura\nCall the Na tional Museum for tickets as soon as you can. The seats are filling up fas t! 213.625.0414\n\nDecember 8-16\, 2006:\n"A Jive Bomber's Christmas" Musi cal\nPlease see for performance dates and times\, as well as information concerning tickets.\n\nSunday January 7\, 2007 2PM:\nBooks and Conversations: "Lost and Found: Reclaiming the Japanese American Incarcer ation"\n\nSunday January 21\, 2007 2PM:\nBooks and Conversations: "Impound ed: Dorothea Lange and the Censored Images of Japanese American Internment "\n\nSunday February 18\, 2007\, 2PM:\nFilm Screening: Farewell to Manzana r\n(followed by a conversation with Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and participa nts of the original film)\n\nSaturday February 17\, 2007 2 PM:\nCommunity Day of Remembrance\nDay of Remembrance will explore the legacy of redress and considers its potential as a powerful tool for the many working to ref ute revisionist interpretations of history. \n\n\n\nWE HOPE TO SEE YOU SOO OOOOOON :) DTSTAMP:20240916T003633Z SUMMARY:Ansel Adams at Manzanar URL:/en/events/2006/11/11/ansel-adams-at-manzanar/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR