Información enviada por vkm

Discover Nikkei Needs Your Help!

Vicky K. Murakami-Tsuda

I’ve worked on countless projects during my 27 years working at the Japanese American National Museum (JANM), but my favorite is Discover Nikkei. My involvement began in 2005, not long after its launch. Over the past 17 years, my role on the project has expanded and shifted over time. I …

Oshogatsu 2021


In this most unusual year, Russ & I welcomed the new year at home, but “together” with my parents & Omoto cousins virtually via Zoom. We spent New Year’s Day at my …

Nikkei Uncovered: a poetry column

On the inside

Vicky K. Murakami-TsudaJoy Yamaguchitraci kato-kiriyama

Welcome to another special edition of Nikkei Uncovered: a poetry column. Two staff I work closely with at the Japanese American National Museum, public programs extraordinaire Joy Yamaguchi and digital guru Vicky Murakami-Tsuda, allowed me to facilitate a process with them to write poetry grounded in this particular era of …

A Yonsei’s Reflections...

on Discover Nikkei’s 10th Anniversary

Vicky K. Murakami-Tsuda

Last March marked the 10th anniversary of Discover Nikkei’s public launch. Yoko Nishimura, Discover Nikkei’s Project Manager, asked me to write an article commemorating the occasion. I have struggled and procrastinated for over a year to write something. Now that we’re about to end our year-long celebration, I’m forced to …

Nikkei Chronicles #3—Nikkei Names: Taro, John, Juan, João?

Don’t Call Me Victoria, Vicki, Vikki, or Binky…

Vicky K. Murakami-Tsuda

When my mother was pregnant with me…in the time before ultrasounds…Dr. Shigekawa (many Los Angeles area Japanese Americans of several generations were delivered by her) told her that I would be a boy. So, my parents had decided to name me Richard Murakami.

Hiroshima Revisited: Interview with Steve Nguyen

Vicky K. Murakami-Tsuda

Steve Nguyen is the director/producer of the animated film, HIBAKUSHA which re-creates the real-life experiences of Kaz Suyeishi, a survivor of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Since the release of the film, he has produced a short documentary that he filmed with the nonprofit campaign Global Zero of his visit …

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I’m a Yonsei, occasional artist and writer, and full-time Digital Program Manager at the Japanese American National Museum. I was born in Los Angeles and have lived in Southern California almost my entire life.

I am fluent in English, can understand about 80% of conversational Japanese, and don’t know any Spanish or Portuguese (although after having worked on Discover Nikkei for so long, would like to learn someday).

I love working in Little Tokyo and living in Gardena. Both areas give me wonderful access to Japanese/Nikkei food, community, and culture. I bowl in a Nikkei league once a week, and spend my free time eating, sleeping, playing on my phone and computer, rooting for the Dodgers, watching TV and reading, spending time with family and friends, and traveling.

I love working on Discover Nikkei and learning about so many different Nikkei experiences around the world!

Intereses Nikkei

  • historias de comunidades
  • historias familias
  • festivales/matsuri
  • japonesa/comida nikkei
  • Japantowns
  • taiko
  • dorama

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Discover Nikkei es un espacio para conectarse con otros y compartir experiencias nikkei. Para que siga creciendo este proyecto necesitamos tu ayuda!

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Proyecto Japanese American National Museum

The Nippon Foundation