Información enviada por masayukifukasawa

The Aftertaste of Taisho Democracy in Brazil: The Stories of Three Japanese-Brazilian Women Artists - Part 2

Masayuki Fukasawa

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The Aftertaste of Taisho Democracy Remains in Brazil: The Stories of Three Japanese-Brazilian Women Artists - Part 1

Masayuki Fukasawa

Alianza, where 1,000 Japanese families flocked during the Taisho Democracy period

Japanese school where the students suffered repeated persecution during the war = Female students who listened to the Emperor's radio broadcast while crying - Part 2

Masayuki Fukasawa

Read Part 1 >>During the war, students were ordered to evacuate after their Japanese language documents were confiscated. June 20th: "There have been frequent incidents in which students' documents have been confiscated by the authorities over the Japanese language and other matters, and there is also the fear of searches …

Japanese school suffered repeated persecution during the war = Female student in tears as she listened to the Emperor's radio broadcast - Part 1

Masayuki Fukasawa

100 people cried after hearing the Emperor's radio broadcast, and the windows fogged up. On August 15th, 78 years ago, at Sao Paulo Girls' School (now Akamagaoka Gakuin) in the city of Sao Paulo, female students with tense expressions on their faces waited with bated breath for the Emperor's surrender …

Half a century since the last immigrant ship = "People change when they cross borders" - Part 2

Masayuki Fukasawa

Read Part 1 >> His former boss was Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso. At the opening, Ship Members' Association Chairman Tsuji Tetsuzo (78 years old, from Hyogo Prefecture) began his speech with melancholy words hinting at the end, saying, "Today marks 50 years since the Nippon Maru arrived in Australia. …

Half a century since the last migrant ship = "People change when they cross borders" - Part 1

Masayuki Fukasawa

Cruise ships serve as migrant ships to South America Half a century has passed since the last immigrant ship arrived - "The Equator Festival and the arrival in Santos were experiences that only those who had been on the ship could experience. It was a turning point in my life. …

The secret to living to 100 years old in good health - Yoshiaki Umezaki, a walking dictionary of immigration history - Part 2

Masayuki Fukasawa

Read Part 1 >> A poetry reading after watching "Flying Fish of Fujiyama" Umezaki settled in the Brazilian coffee plantations of Cafelandia and worked in the fields in the colony. During the war, Japanese immigrants were forbidden to move as enemy nationals, and had no choice but to devote themselves …

The secret to living to 100 years old in good health - Yoshiaki Umezaki, a walking dictionary of immigration history - Part 1

Masayuki Fukasawa

To reach 100 years of age in good health Yoshiaki Umezaki (born in Nara Prefecture), who lives in the southern part of Sao Paulo, turned 100 on March 21 and recently published his fourth collection of tanka. In addition, a grand 100th birthday celebration party was held on the 25th …

Kaoru Higuchi, a former immigrant to Brazil and resident in Los Angeles, is a photographer at Jornal do Brasil.

Masayuki Fukasawa

On November 3rd during the 7th Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival, the "Nahato Comes to Machigwa: Global Uchinanchu and Machigwa Exhibition" was being held at the former Zakkabu section of Heiwa-dori Shopping Arcade in Naha City. I spoke to an elderly Japanese couple who were intently looking at the Brazilian immigrant exhibit, …

Commonalities between the films "Gaijin" and "Familia"

Masayuki Fukasawa

"Gaijin" depicts Brazilian society through the eyes of Japanese immigrants "It's like a story that transposes the hardships of Japanese immigrants in Brazil to modern Japan," I thought after watching the online preview of the movie "Família" (directed by Izuru Narushima, distributed by Kino Films). It has been showing at …

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