Mental Hygiene Clinic & In-patient Psychiatric Service US Army Hospital/Special Treatment Center, Ft. Gordon, GA
Especialidad militar
91GZO Psych/social Work Specialist; 11FZO Infantry OPNS/QPNS Spec; 11B10 Infantryman
Ft. Jackson, SC; Ft McClellan, AL; Ft. Benning, GA; Ft. Gordon, GA
Ft. Gordon GA
Responsabilidad en la unidad
Providing psychological & psychiatric medical services to military & dependents, at outpatient clinic & in-patient 'Acute' units.
Responsabilidad individual
I worked at mental hygiene clinic & on inpatient psychiatric service acute wards conducting social work intakes and doing group therapy to psychotics & schizophrenics, mostly. I had trained, though, as an infantryman through basic, with part of OCS.
Condiciones de Vida
Lived mainly in barracks at hospital. As infantrymen, I lived in barracks, although I trained out in woods in Georgia, So. Carolina and Alabama.
Recuerdo más vívido de la experiencia militar
Trying to counsel schizophrenic & psychotic patients; also observing and talking to amputees from the orthopedic units of our hospital and not knowing what to say to without expressing shock or sounding patronizing.
Lo que más extraño durante su tiempo en las fuerzas armadas
Family, freedom of expression.
¿En lo personal, qué obtuvo de su experiencia militar?
The camaraderie and intimacy I shared with others, was something I never want to forget. Feeling empathy and being of help and support to injured and ill persons has made me more compassionate towards others. I did not fulfill all my goals and expectations. I know I have to stretch myself further than I had ever realized I could,... to strive for more to reach my goals.
Información adicional
I am the widowed father of a 14 year old daughter. I have tried to use my training and experiences in the army to assist others in my life and career since I left the army.
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