The Hapa Collection


What are you?

That's the question posed to visitors to the Japanese American National Museum's exhibition "kip fulbeck: part asian / 100% hapa" (Los Angeles, June 8 - October 29, 2006). The exhibition includes over 80 photographic portraits of people of multiracial heritage, selected from the 1,000 portraits taken by artist Kip Fulbeck over three years, along with the sitters' responses to the most common question asked of people of mixed-race background -- "What are you?" During the run of the exhibition, visitors were asked to take a Polaroid photograph in the gallery and add their images and personal responses to the question of "What are you?" to the exhibition's interactive display. A selection from the overwhelming participation in Los Angeles is included here. The exhibition travels to the Asian/Pacific/American Institute at New York University from March 10 – May 30, 2008. Selections from their Polaroid activity will be added as well.

You're invited to participate!

Include your own portrait in this Nikkei Album collection! Your photo can be in the "style" of Fulbeck's Hapa Project -- that is, from the collarbone up, without clothing, jewelry, glasses, makeup, or purposeful expression -- but whatever your preference, please include your written response to the question "What are you?".

To participate, create a Discover Nikkei user account and log in. Upload your photo and provide information and your response to "What are you?". E-mail us the link to your page to have it included in the collection. Alternatively, you can also e-mail your photograph to, and we'll add it to this collection.

(Note: The Discover Nikkei editors reserve the right not to post photographs or responses that are offensive.)

Slides in this album 

Samoan, New Zealand, Scottish, English, Irish

I am - simpler and more complex than any
catagory (sic) insisted upon by a colonial need
to quantify humanity. I am my genealogy
alive. I am more than my genealogy and
my genealogy is more than any bureaucracy
can comprend. I am here now.

Samoan, New Zealand, Scottish, English, Irish
País: bokinaka


I am...
a son
White washed
an enemy
a brother
a roommate
having fun

País: vkraus

American, German, English & Danish

My family line can be traced back
more than 200 years here in "America,"
but I know that part of my blood
more recently is a mix between
German, English, and Danish. I might
be white on white, but I still have
family and cultural practices.

American, German, English & Danish
País: vkraus

Greek, Irish American

Umm, my mother is Greek, my father
was a hillbilly of Irish descent.
Growing up in South, one was either white
or black.
Living here, one can be diverse & not
be "one thing." *sigh* at least I hope so.
I love this exhibit. Thank you for inviting
'hapas' to participate.

Greek, Irish American
País: vkraus

Japanese American, Afro. American/ Creole

I am a 26 year old woman who
is also a 4th generation Japanese
American (yonsei!) with an equal
amount of Afro. American/ creole
heritage AND roots in east LA!

*full hapa*

Japanese American, Afro. American/ Creole
País: vkraus

Chinese, White

I am 1/2 Chinese, 1/2 white
I am 1st generation Chinese from Malaysia
I am a direct descendant from the
I am a returned Peace Corpse volunteer,
a nurse, and a swimmer.

Chinese, White
País: vkraus


Born and raised in Southern California,
I am a part of all the cultures that
live here. I'm either racially confused
or racially diverse, but I've
learned to be comfortable in my
own skin.


País: vkraus


I am a Korean born & raised in
Germany no residing in West L.A.
I speak German better than Korean,
But I'm pretty sure I look more
Korean than German.
I cheer Korea in World Cup matches.

País: vkraus


I am Chipino.
Not a bowl mixed with
mussels and clams but
a body mixed with
Chinese / Filipino.

País: vkraus

Japanese, Scottish, Mohawk, Musician, Bay Area, Hapa

I just spent an hour in LA traffice
and am too tired to thinkn of anything
clever to say. I am a graduate
of UCLA as of today.
I am:
100% Japanese
100% Scottish
100% Mohawk
100% Musician
100% Bay Area
100% HAPA!

Japanese, Scottish, Mohawk, Musician, Bay Area, Hapa
País: vkraus

Ethnically Indian

Conceived in Saudi Arabia. Born in Ethiopia.
...Ethnically Indian.
I am. That is my first observation.
From that all else follows and, in
the process, I realized that I am
whatever my imagination and actions enable
me to be.

Ethnically Indian
País: vkraus

Mexican, German

I am 1/2 Mexican, 1/2 German
"Cafe con leche"
BTW, my kids a 1/4 Mexican, 1/4 German
and 1/2 Taiwanese (too beautiful for
words!). Being of mixed racial/ethnic
decent is the best, but it does
require some soul-searching...

Mexican, German
País: vkraus

Mexican, Korean

The Revolutionary Youth League Loves HAPA's
Si se puede

I am Mex. (Dad)/ Korean (Mom). I play piano, write,
produce, score, and sing in a rock band.
Be strong!!! AND YOU CAN TOO!! (Even tho it sux)
Hapas are not weird. We're beautiful.
A foreshadowing of the world to come

El Nara …

Mexican, Korean
País: vkraus

Old Man

How can a young man
know where his heart
will go!
Only an old man knows
where a heart should go!

Old Man
País: vkraus

Daughter of a Hapa

I look at my own picture and
I see the daughter of a hapa.

And it makes me happy.

Daughter of a Hapa
País: vkraus

Mexican, Guatemalan

What am I... hum I guess confused. It
depends on what mood I'm in. Sometimes
I'm Mexican and sometimes I'm
Guatemalan. But today I'm Mexican
because it's Mexican Independance day!

Mexican, Guatemalan
País: vkraus


My mom says that I am
100% Rad and that's all you
need to know.

País: vkraus

anacronism, "pure" Japanese

I am an anacronism in a long line
of so-called "pure" Japanese. But,
you should see my grandchildren
who are a real fruit salad of
diversion in a great country which
is headed in the same direction.

anacronism, "pure" Japanese
País: vkraus

Japanese, German, Irish, American Indian, Norweigan

I am hapa... I am half
Japanese, some German, Irish, American
Indian, and Norweigan. I love my
Japanese heritage and show it by
going to Japanese school every
- Jasmine Salsedo
Watashi no namae wa Jasmine Salsedo desu.

Japanese, German, Irish, American Indian, Norweigan
País: vkraus

Spanish, Moor, Jewish

I am a 2nd World War
veteran. 85 yrs. old.
My heritage is Spanish- Moor- Jewish
Born in Puerto Rico.
Glad to be here among the
nicest people of this world.

Spanish, Moor, Jewish
País: vkraus

Vietnamese American

I am Vietnamese American,
born into the chaos of
Saigon, raised in the
fury of New York City.
I just live in LA now.

Vietnamese American
País: vkraus


Be like a hammer

I'm famous
and this is sweet.
I wish I was half naked
like the other people.

"I don't need clothes but society tells me I do."
- Allen

País: vkraus


I am Yumiko, the wife of Kit!
I'm Japanese national, but it's only for passport
control. I love Japan where I was born and grew up,
and my family lives. I can call myself
New Yorker because I lived in
NY. Now I am Venician because I am living
in Venice (LA). I have been "Yumiko" …

País: jbower

Irish, Black, Japanese

I am Irish, black, and
Japanese. I am good
at track. I am good at
running a mile. I can
do it in 6:07.

Irish, Black, Japanese
País: vkraus

Japanese, Eastern European

50% Japanese
50% Eastern European
0% Hispanic (in case people wonder)
75% Happy (100% on Fri-Sat)
25% Tired
100% Proud!

Japanese, Eastern European
País: vkraus

Japanese, German

I am half Japanese & half
German and 100% American.
I like to play soccer and
I was born in Hong Kong.
Now I live in Los Angeles.

Japanese, German
País: vkraus

Irish & German

► I am the "whitest" man alive.
+ I like to drink beer [√] Irish [√] German
+ I sometimes have a temper [ ] Irish [√] German
+ I'm physically very strong [ ] Irish [√] German
+ sometimes my temper comes
out when I drink too much [√] Irish [ ] German
+ I …

Irish & German
País: jbower

Nisei, Sansei

I'm a Camp Baby from Rohwer, Ark.
1/2 Nisei 1/2 Sansei. Raised in Ohio &
back to family roots in Gardena in 1957.
Raised among non Japanese in East & Japanese in Gardena.
I like to study people who are from
many different ethnicities- am a cultural
anthropologist by training & archaeologist by
field work. Love to …

Nisei, Sansei
País: vkraus

Lego Builder

I am Brent. I am also
a Lego builder. I am almost
7!! I want to be a
scuba diver and I have 7 baseball awards!

Lego Builder
País: vkraus

Japanese, Hawaiian, English

What am I? Who am I? At the age 57,
I am still working on that. I was
once lost, but fought hard to find
myself along the way to today.
Many questions have been answered,
and I am sure many more questions
remain. Do I need all thw anwers
now? I think not!

Alway happy and …

Japanese, Hawaiian, English
País: vkraus

Cubana Italiana

This is too much pressure...

I have yet
to define myself.

as for ethnicity...

as for gender...

as for mentality...

Cubana Italiana
País: vkraus


I am Filipino
and damn proud of it!
I'm cute, single, looking 4
a nice girl... 5'5 brown eyes
with some thick thighs...

País: vkraus

Filipina & French/Italian/Scot-Irish | Greek & Japanese


50% Filipina
50% French/Italian/Scot-Irish

Spyro is my best friend & my fiancé


Apparently, I'm Mexican.
Everybody says so.
I wish I was!

I say I'm hapa.
But according to others
Filipinos aren't

I'm obsessed with LOTR

[ ] Filipina
[ ] French/Italian
[ ] Scot-Irish
[ ] Cherokee
[ ] American Redneck Hillbilly

I am Sarah K
I …

Filipina & French/Italian/Scot-Irish | Greek & Japanese
País: jbower

Toisan, Sansei

under-paid, under-rested
Toisan- Sansei- Silverlakean-
Left-Handed former long hair-
Kip Fulbeck-Look-Alike...

Toisan, Sansei
País: vkraus

Mexican, Japanese

I am 1/2 Mexican (Daddy's side)
I am 1/2 Japanese (Mother's side)
"It was a military thing."

Mexican, Japanese
País: vkraus

Any ideas?

I am still searching for who
I really am. What I really have
passion for. I am in need of
some answer: Any ideas? Any answers?


Any ideas?
País: vkraus

Korean & Caucasaian

I am the person who hates only being able
to check one box for ethnicity on standardized
testing. I don't like to choose one, and I resent
having to check "other".

I am half Korean and half Caucasian.
And to put it quite simply:

I am Angie. And I am awesome.

Korean & Caucasaian
País: jbower

Japanese, Peruvian

1/2 Japanese 1/2 Peruvian
I am...
A student, son, pianist, swordsman,
and hungry

Japanese, Peruvian
País: vkraus

I Am What I Am

I am what I am
You are who you are
Were both the same
distance away from the

I Am What I Am
País: vkraus

"Afro-Asian American"

Knowing what you are not is some-
times easier than knowing what you
are... "Afro-Asian American" is
what my parents told me I was when
I was little. I am discovering that I
am a whole lot more than that.

"Afro-Asian American"
País: vkraus

Japanese & Swede

This is me...


"What am I", eh? I am a fusion of several
ethnicities. I'm tired of only being able
to check off one box during tests. I am
proud to be able to represent so many
different people. I am a 三せい. I hate it
when people try to put people …

Japanese & Swede
País: jbower

Japanese, White

I am a fortunate being. My
mother was Japanese and my
father was an American serviceman.
My mother died and my father's
family rejected me. Fortunately
I was given to Pearl S. Buck by
a nurse. I was the 1st child to
be adopted from Welcome House.
I grew up in a loving family.
I am fortunate.

Japanese, White
País: vkraus

Japanese, Haitian, Irish

Well, okay...
Grandma, 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Black
Mom 1/4 Japanese, 3/4 Black
Me, well, 1/8 Japanese, 1/4 Haitian
1/4 Irish...
Phew... Done...

Japanese, Haitian, Irish
País: vkraus

Peruana, Español, Japones & Frances

¡Soy mamá!

Yo soy Peruana, pero creo que soy una
mescla de Español y Japones y
Frances. Lo importante que soy un ser
humano que quiene subas, conocer muchas
culturas y por eso estoy aqui, yo vengo de
New Jersey, me gusta mayor.

Peruana, Español, Japones & Frances
País: jbower

Japanese, Scottish, German, Iriquois


(Japanese, Scottish, German, Iriquois)
100% Hapa, a hiphoppa: emcee/ deejay/
b-boy, yay-area/ richmond, kali
sould child. Yonsei, a teacher, student,
son, grandson, brother, artist.
After school program coordinator by
day, Master Ninga Assasin for hire
by night. "Maybe I'm crazy."
-Ceelo Green

Japanese, Scottish, German, Iriquois
País: vkraus

What I Am Not

I can tell you what I am not.
I am not a stereotype. I am not a
beauty queen. I am not an airhead.
I am not a barbie doll. I am not
full Japanese, nor am I full
white. I am not alone. I am not
impatient. So what am I? I am
not done yet.

What I Am Not
País: vkraus


I am all Japanese as
far as I know. But
at 84 years, I have
13 great grandchildren
all of who are hapa

País: vkraus

American, Oregonian, a human

I am an American, a son,
nephew, brother, student, Oregonian,
a human. I am a 21-year old boy
who is of 1/4 Japanese blood, among
other things. And I am one who
after visiting the Japanese American
Museum in Los Angeles, felt sadness,
wrong, happiness, hope...
My name is Paul...

American, Oregonian, a human
País: vkraus

Japanese, African American

I am 8 years old! I love to
dance! I am in 3rd grade.
I am named after a Japanese princess!
I am happy! I like to play the piano!
My father is African American! My mom
is from Japan. I love my life!

Japanese, African American
País: vkraus


I am...
the twinkle in my father's eye.
the love, dreams and
aspirations of ancestors
from Poland, Ireland &

País: vkraus


I am a vessel that truth
flows through for redemption
Most people know me as

100% African

País: vkraus

Thai & Caucasian

I'm alive, I feel, I love, I live,
I breath, I thrive, I'm simple,
I'm complex, I'm different, I'm
the same, I'm you.

Half Thai + Half Caucasian

Thai & Caucasian
País: vkraus

Spanish Filipino American

In Japan I have been mistaken
to be Japanese
in Sydney Australia, aborigine
in Auckland, N.Z. - a maori
in America - native american and hawaiian

I am proud to be a person of color
I am proud to be a Spanish Filipino American
I am proud to be a queer dad of 2
wonderful daughters & …

Spanish Filipino American
País: vkraus


I'am Elizabeth
I'am Austrian...
Austria, we don't have

País: jbower


I am 100% Belizean/American.
I don't mind if you ask what I am. Because then I have a chance to teach you about the beautiful country of Belize.

País: vkraus

Cantonese, White

I forget to
smile for
the camera.
I also forget I'm Cantonese
as well as white.

Cantonese, White
País: vkraus

german, cherokee, portuguese, welsh

I am the namesake of a rebellious Portuguese woman, my great-grand mother. With the last name of my father's Welsh roots. I am independent, I am young, I am female, and I am rad. I am a star. I am Amelia. If you asked me this tomorrow, the answer be …

german, cherokee, portuguese, welsh
País: vkraus


Uchinanchu straight up from the
Ryukyus. Gotta represent for
my island folks, holla!

Man, the polaroid shots don't
do any justice!

País: vkraus


It took me decades to come up with an answer that was complete enough not to provoke more questions.
I am Chinese. But that doesn't mean I speak any dialect you might know how to say a few words in. I was born in the Philipines and - through no fault …

País: vkraus

Japanese, German, Irish, English, French

I’m a hapa girl from San Francisco. My name is Jordan and I’m proud to be a mix of many races.

Here’s the break down:

1/2 Japanese
1/4 German
1/16 Irish
1/16 English
1/16 French

Japanese, German, Irish, English, French
País: vkraus

Half Japanese, Half Mexican-American

I am half Japanese and half Mexican. My mom is Japanese (born/raised in Japan) and my dad is Mexican-American, born and raised in California (his parents from Arizona/Texas and THEIR parents from Mexico).

Half Japanese, Half Mexican-American
País: vkraus

Define me how you please

Fat asian woman Japanese
American queer straight
Mongolian Latina Korean
Chinese -- assumed or asked if
these were what I "am".

Define me how you please.

Just respect my right to define myself.

Define me how you please
País: vkraus

25% white 25% black 50% mexican

do not read this card!

I am hanging on the wall of a museum,
I am probably going to blog about this.
I'm not hapa but I'm multiracial. I used to trick the hapa or Philipina clubs at my school. They always think I'm something. Proof positive that even the ones who …

25% white 25% black 50% mexican
País: vkraus

Slovakian, Hungarian, Polish & American

I like the rain and I like who I am.

I wish I was japanese or
indian. I'm Slovakian, Hungarian,
Polish, American and whatever else
I want to be.

I speak chinese yet still am not
considered part chinese. I am what
my environment molds me to be.

Slovakian, Hungarian, Polish & American
País: jbower


my answer: I am a Japanese.

My name is Machiko Aoki, born and
raised in Shimone, Japan. "100% Japanese".
I'd never even think about my identity as
a Japanese before I moved to Big Island,
Hawaii. As I lived in Hawaii, often think
"What is nationality?", living with people
who have mult-blood. 青木真知子

País: jbower

Japanese, English, Irish, Norweigan, German, Dutch, etc.

I am hapa! And proud of it! I love it and everybody loves it too!! All my friends want hapa kids, cause we are all just so cute! The best part of being hapa is the fact that I fit in everywhere... if it's the Japanese kids, hey I'm Japanese! …

Japanese, English, Irish, Norweigan, German, Dutch, etc.
País: vkraus

Half Japanese, Half Jewish

I am half Japanese and half Jewish...
which isn't just a religion. On my Jewish
side I am a mix of Eastern European cultures,
mostly Russian.
More importantly... I am a son, brother, friend,
teacher, and coach.

Half Japanese, Half Jewish
País: vkraus

English, Belgian, Japanese

I am pretty detail-oriented so I have a long list of ways I could and have answered this question. I used to call myself a mutt because I am the product of 2 generations of military men who've found their wives overseas (Belgium during WWII and Japan during Vietnam). Part …

English, Belgian, Japanese
País: vkraus

Filipino, Chinese, Portuguese, Irish

I'm just like you - full of culture and mystery. The difference is knowing what's behind your identity. But if I must be specific: Filipino, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese and Irish =).

Filipino, Chinese, Portuguese, Irish
País: vkraus

Filipino, German & Russian

despite how it seems, I am NOT AFRICAN-AMERICAN

(I used to have a bigger afro until my mom cut it. + without my consent...)


skateboarder 4 life? I think so
spool (spiffy + cool)

Filipino, German & Russian
País: jbower

Christian, Politically Progressive

I am...
Politically progressive
Angry at the Bush administration,
neo conservatives & the extreme
right wing
Happily married to the most
beautiful woman in the world.

Christian, Politically Progressive
País: vkraus

Japanese, Greek & English

Cat lover

Japanese, Greek & English
País: vkraus

Hawaiian, Chinese, English

I'm an American of mixed ancestry. Growing
up in Hawaii, I was a "Poi Dog," who felt special
to have different cultural backgrounds.
I love my Chinese family for their conservative
nature and my Hawaiian family for their loving,
fun filled nature. I love both for their FOOD.

Hawaiian, Chinese, English

Hawaiian, Chinese, English
País: vkraus

Japanese, Greek, Italian, Armenian & Egyptian

Athena Mari Asklipiadis

Hapa Haole

My parents met at a Japanese
restaurant in Athens, Greece and the
rest is history! I'm Japanese (mom) & Greek, Italian, Armenian & Egyptian (all from dad).
I always felt different growing
up so I am glad there is a
book now for other kids growing
up so they know they …

Japanese, Greek, Italian, Armenian & Egyptian
País: vkraus

Japanese, Columbian

I'm half Japanese, Half Colombian, and I was born in Peru living in socal, too long to describe my identity problems and conflits with myself and other people.
Proud to have a mixed heritage more than ever!
"I'm the result of the union of 2 different cultures and the result that there …

Japanese, Columbian
País: vkraus

Filipino, German & Russian

What are you? --> a "little brown sister" to all...

o Filipino, German, Russian
o A soccer fanatic, sometimes a little too obsessed for her own good
o An avid thrifter
o An expert crutcher with 2 years of experience under my belt

o Mexican, Chinese, "Pilipeenish" --> although I've got the eyes
o …

Filipino, German & Russian
País: jbower

English, Irish, Scottish, & 1/2 Japanese (Yakuza)

I am the only in my family that gets served a fork when we go to a Japanese restaurant while everyone else gets chopsticks.

English, Irish, Scottish, & 1/2 Japanese (Yakuza)

English, Irish, Scottish, & 1/2 Japanese (Yakuza)
País: vkraus

Portuguese, Japanese

I'm lucky enought to be different.
I get to stand out wherever I go.
Talk about your conversation starter.

Portuguese, Japanese

Portuguese, Japanese
País: vkraus

Japanese, Scottish, Irish & German

Kimi Evans

I'm lucky. I feel blessed to have
the opportunity to explore 2 different
cultures. I've lived in Japan
& the U.S. & the experience has
broadened my horizons.

50% Japanese 50% Scottish,Irish,German

Japanese, Scottish, Irish & German
País: vkraus

Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Spanish

I am the least Asian of the
bunch. My Japanese heritage
goes back to when the Japanese
were trading with Mexico.

Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Spanish
País: vkraus

Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Burmese, Indian & French

June 10, 2006

For 18 years I was brought up as a
Cambodian-American, I am proud to be
the first generation to be born in
America. Little did I know that when
I turned 18, that I was a mixture of
many ethnic background which include:
Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Burmese,
Indian, and French ... and no I'm …

Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Burmese, Indian & French
País: vkraus

filipina, polish, arabic | indian, chinese, ukranian

"what are you?"

we're madly in love.

i'm filipina + polish + arabic
he's indian + chinese + ukranian

imagine the children! i love it!

thanks so much for this opportunity,
rachel + roderick

filipina, polish, arabic | indian, chinese, ukranian
País: vkraus

Korean, Sicilian, Yugoslavian

What am I? For the record, my mom is Korean and my dad is Sicilian and Yugoslavian. Off the record, I wonder, why does this have to be what defines me? Why am I consumed with wanting to belong? Is it society that makes me want to associate myself with …

Korean, Sicilian, Yugoslavian
País: vkraus

Filipino, Spanish, Japanese

I am 100% Filipino, part
Spanish, and part Japanese.
I like Japanese food
especially sushi.

Filipino, Spanish, Japanese
País: vkraus

Japanese, Irish & German

As a child, I was only
half good enough for my each side
of my family. Now, I am
Japanese, Irish & German, but
one whole person. Finally
happy in my own skin.

Japanese, Irish & German
País: vkraus

Japanese, German, Irish, Other

I'm Japanese because the other half is too
convoluted. German, Irish... other. I should
have taken my sunglasses off. I have a
sticker on my chest and I got this
shirt in China. Mostly, I'm pan-cultural.
Mostly- I'm a flutist!
I don't know. What do you want me
to be?

Japanese, German, Irish, Other
País: vkraus

Filipina, Swedish & Danish

I'm sorry, I didn't understand you...
I don't speak Spanish...

I'm 1/2 Filipina, 1/4 Swedish, 1/4 Danish

100% Hapa

Filipina, Swedish & Danish
País: vkraus

Chinese, German, Scottish

We are 50% Chinese/Taiwanese (from our dad) and 50% German/Scottish (from our mom)

Chinese, German, Scottish
País: vkraus

Scottish, Irish, English, Russian, Chinese, Hispanic, Jewish, Pilipina

I'm a girl with an Asian frame, a Polynesian body and a look that causes wonderment

I am 5'2 and 100+ lbs of Scottish, Irish, English, Russian, Chinese, Hispanic, Jewish, Pilipina FUN!

Scottish, Irish, English, Russian, Chinese, Hispanic, Jewish, Pilipina
País: vkraus

On Display at JANM

I am on display at JANM. Actually, I am
not up yet, and it is my picture/ "I
am" statement, not me in person.
I am trying to funny/clever.
Maybe, I am not.

On Display at JANM
País: vkraus


I am indecisive
which is why this is so hard.

So at this very moment, I'm probably

País: vkraus

Horseback "Lover"

- I am a horseback "LOVER"
- I am a candy lover
- I am a girl
- I am a soccer lover
- I am a helthy girl
- I am a hapa (part Japanese, Scottish,
German and, Irish)

Horseback "Lover"
País: vkraus

Half White

I like ice cream.
I am happ.
Peanut butter is overrated.
I live in Kansas.
... I'm half white. Yoroshiku.

Half White
País: vkraus

Chinese, Thai

I am Cindy
I am "Chai"- Chinese, Thai mix
Hapa by association
Closest friends are completely mixed
Speak 5 languages
Born and raised in California

Chinese, Thai
País: vkraus

Filipino, Chinese & Spanish | Polish & Lithuanian

We enjoy being a mixed
racial couple.
And we know that the more
we get together
the more of us there will be.

I am Filipino, Chinese, Spanish.
My husband is 100% cotton
... actually, Polish, Lithuanian


Filipino, Chinese & Spanish | Polish & Lithuanian
País: vkraus

Naked, Life, and Death

Are you ready for
the war against

I am naked. I am life.
I am death.
I am a lush jungle, a
desert highway, and titanium.

Naked, Life, and Death
País: vkraus

Album Type

online exhibition

editor — Última actualización Jun 28 2021 1:49 a.m.

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Proyecto Japanese American National Museum

The Nippon Foundation