Descubra a los Nikkei

Memories of the Japanese Hospital (English/Japanese)

(English/Japanese) I think it was 1917. Spain Flu was all over the world. That’s why the Japanese doctors decided to, I think, open the hospital for the nihonjin (Japanese), you know.

I was born in Los Angeles. From what I’ve heard, I was born at a place relatively close to this old hospital. It was an old house. Our house was facing the north, the hospital ha (was) facing the west. So we didn’t really have anything to do with each other. We didn’t know what was happening at the hospital.

I think Dr. Tashiro was probably the leader back when they built the first new hospital.

I remember the baby doctor the most, Dr. Ito Kyuji. That’s because Ken and Kyoko would catch colds a lot, so whenever winter came I took them to the doctor often.

I think when Ken was born, and I was in the hospital, I think there was a big earthquake then. There was this one Chinese patient who was having surgery, but when the earthquake happened, he ran out into the hallway.

That might have been in 1933. The nurses were kind to me, so I think things were good on that end. A new hospital has different types of new equipment, after all, so I think it was good.

Fecha: February 3, 2010

Zona: California, US

Entrevista: Eiko Masuyama, Carole Fujita, Yoko Nishimura

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Yoshiko Inose, nació en 1908 en la ciudad de Los Ángeles en el estado de California. Su padre, Seijiro Shibuya, fue el fundador de Rafu Shimpo. En los comienzos de 1930, Yoshiko se casó con Seijiro Inose, hijo adoptivo de Inosuke Inose. Su suegro, Inosuke, fue el presidente del primer hospital japonés, cerca de Little Tokio, en la esquina de las calles Amelia y Turner. (11 de abril de 2010)

Houston,Jeanne Wakatsuki

East First Street, el centro de la comunidad japonesa estadounidense (Inglés)

(n. 1934) Escritora

Kaji,Frances Midori Tashiro

Convertido en trilingüe para practicar la medicina. (Inglés)

(1928-2016) Hija de un doctor Issei

Kaji,Frances Midori Tashiro

Un día típico de los doctores (Inglés)

(1928-2016) Hija de un doctor Issei

Kaji,Frances Midori Tashiro

Discriminación a los doctores Niseis (Inglés)

(1928-2016) Hija de un doctor Issei

Kaji,Frances Midori Tashiro

Recuerdos del viaje de su padre con su enfermera (Inglés)

(1928-2016) Hija de un doctor Issei

Kaji,Frances Midori Tashiro

Descubriendo el caso de su padre (Inglés)

(1928-2016) Hija de un doctor Issei

Kaji,Frances Midori Tashiro

Sentirse cómodos con dialectos regionales (Inglés)

(1928-2016) Hija de un doctor Issei


Japanese Hospital: My Father & Mother

Hija de un doctor Issei

Todd,Kathryn Doi

Opening Up Shop in Little Tokyo

(n. 1942) La primera juez asiático americana