Descubra a los Nikkei

Change of identity (Japanese)

(Japanese) As for my identity, I think I have been through a series of changes in the process of becoming an adult. Before I came to Japan, I had a strong feeling that I was Japanese. I came to Japan with a strong belief that I was Japanese. But once I arrived here, I was treated as Brazilian and I couldn’t get along with people at school. As people said to me, “Go back to Brazil,” I found myself really confused. And then I started to think of myself as Brazilian after all and asked myself who I was as Brazilian. I went back and forth between the two especially when I was in school. I thought to myself, I’m Brazilian, but then I wanted to be Japanese. I wanted to have friends, so I thought, what should I do to become like everyone else? So, as a child my desire to become a Japanese national might have been stronger.

Well, but I knew that whether I become a Japanese national or not would have no effect on my Japanese skills or on my surroundings, so I didn’t take any action. Still, I remember that I thought a lot about my identity, questioning if I was Brazilian or Japanese.

And as I grew up, I think I started to feel more attached to me being a Brazilian. I couldn’t fully become Japanese - there’s part of me that couldn’t become Japanese. It was partly because I didn’t know enough, and I didn’t experience things that are commonly experienced in Japanese home, so I thought to myself, I’m not Japanese after all, but at the same time I don’t know much about Brazil either, so I’m not Brazilian, which led me to being Nikkei in the end.

brasileños identidad Japón japoneses nikkeis en Japón Oizumi prefectura de Gunma

Fecha: October 18, 2016

Zona: Gunma, Japan

Entrevista: Shigeru Kojima

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Paulo nació en enero de 1979, en Sao Paulo, Brasil. Sus abuelos son oriundos de la Prefectura de Kumamoto, por lo que Paulo es un nikkei de 3º generación o sea “sansei”. Se crió en el Barrio Monte Kemel que está cerca del famoso barrio oriental Liberdade. En 1898 viene a Japón porque su padre ya trabajaba como “dekassegi”. Desde ese entonces, reside en la localidad de Oizumi, Prefectura de Gunma. Al comienzo tuvo dificultades de comunicación porque no hablaba el idioma japonés pero a medida que fue aprendiendo comenzó a tener amistades japonesas. Hoy en dia, es diseñador gráfico y con su nivel de japonés apoya a la comunidad brasileña local. En el 2009 se independiza y forma su propio Estudio. También, edita un free paper (revista de distribución gratuita con publicidad) para Oizumi-machi y anhela que esta ciudad sea un verdadero Barrio Brasileño “Brasil Town”. (Agosto de 2017)


Being enlisted into the Japanese Army

(1928 - 2008) Recluta de la Armada Imperial de Japón y de la Armada Norteamericana


Reaction to the Emperor’s surrender

(1928 - 2008) Recluta de la Armada Imperial de Japón y de la Armada Norteamericana


A strong Japanese identity (Japanese)

(n. 1948) Gerente general del Museo Amano


On being thought of as a Japanese person (Japanese)

(n. 1948) Gerente general del Museo Amano

Onchi,Toshiko Elena

The identity crisis of Peruvian children in Japan (Spanish)

Peruano japonés en Japón

Biller,Francesca Yukari

Fitting in to both sides of her family

Periodista judío japonesa-americana


Teaching English in Japan

(1933 – 2014) Dibujante japonés americano

Tashima,A. Wallace

Asian American Lawyers as Victims of “Overt Racial Discrimination”

(n. 1934) El primer japonés-estadounidense nombrado para el Tribunal de Apelaciones de los Estados Unidos. 

Tashima,A. Wallace

“I could never get a job offer from a private law firm”

(n. 1934) El primer japonés-estadounidense nombrado para el Tribunal de Apelaciones de los Estados Unidos. 

Horikiri,Edward Toru

(Japanese) My children’s education

(n. 1929) Kibei nisei 


Nomo's impact on later Japanese players

Exdirector del Departamento de Operaciones de Asia de los Dodgers de Los Ángeles

Schneider,Jean Hamako

Respecting the will of a five-year-old daughter (Japanese)

(n. 1925) Novia de la guerra 


Americans changing his opinion of the US

(1940-2016) Arquitecto paisajista issei 

Calloway,Terumi Hisamatsu

The Kids and Japanese Language (Japanese)

(n. 1937) Novia de guerra de Yokohama 

Shikota,Antonio Shinkiti

More government supports in the city of Oizumi for Japanese Brazilians (Portuguese)

(n. 1962) Brasileño japonés, dueño de una tienda de productos brasileños en Japón.