Meeting his wife, Eileen
Well, since you’re asking me. You’re asking me, I’m won't leave nothing out. Yes, I was dating girls, but it always came down to, one after another, the girls said, “Are we going to live with your mother?” Because I lived with my mother. I lived with my mother for over ten years, just the two of us.
And I knew my mother was concerned because I was getting up in years. She didn’t say, “Are you going to get married or not?” But little hints in there, you can pick it up. But I was dating. But it always came down to, repeatedly. I said, “Uh oh, here it comes again.” Asking what we’re going to do. And they didn’t have to say no, but I can just sense it, that that’s not an issue, but it’s something that she is hesitant to make any kind of reply or even say, even a commitment, see.
But my wife, Eileen, she knew more about me that I know about myself, by our match maker. Because she had been listening to them, because the match maker was seeing me about once a week because she was one of our clients. Our customers, see. She was always kidding me around. It came to be, I said, “Well, this is enough of this, joking around, kidding.” I said, “Do you have her telephone number?” She said, “Yes.” I said, “Give me the telephone number, I’ll call her up like I just met her.” That’s my story.
Fecha: February 6, 2015
Zona: California, US
Entrevista: John Esaki
País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum
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