How she met her husband (Japanese)
(Japanese) My husband would wait for me at the train station from time to time. I didn’t like it. Going with an American man, especially with my husband being black, it stood out. I didn’t know what to do. Then he offered to take me home. Rather than being seen while talking to him right there and feeling embarrassed, I wanted to just get out of there, so I let him take me home. Then I grew to like him..
It doesn’t feel bad to be told that he liked me and loved me. I still didn’t think I would marry him or date him. Then he told my parents he wanted to marry me. My parents said no as I was still too young and didn’t even know how to cook. Eventually, I would go out with him on dates and… married him.
Fecha: September 17, 2014
Zona: California, US
Entrevista: Izumi Tanaka
País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum
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Casarse con Bob contra los deseos familiares (Inglés)
(n.1920) Japonés-canadiense nisei. Fundó la Sociedad Ikenobo Ikebana de Toronto
Impresiones de las entrevistas con mujeres issei (japonés)
Rectora de la Universidad Tsuda. Especialista japonés en historia nikkei
Never married
(1913-2013) Doctor, especialista en obstetricia en California del Sur
Writing Letters
(1916 - 2013) Miembro del Servicio de Inteligencia Militar de los Estados Unidos
Meeting Mr. Amano
(1916 - 2013) Miembro del Servicio de Inteligencia Militar de los Estados Unidos
Marriage and Returning to US
(1916 - 2013) Miembro del Servicio de Inteligencia Militar de los Estados Unidos
Reception of Hamako by family
(1916 - 2013) Miembro del Servicio de Inteligencia Militar de los Estados Unidos
Conflicted about immigrating to America (Japanese)
(n. 1925) Novia de la guerra
Marriage and Family
(1914-2015) Líder nisei de la YMCA y de la comunidad japonesa americana
Meeting his wife, Eileen
(n. 1921) Veterano nisei que sirvió en la ocupación de Japón
Her mother came to the U.S. with a group of picture brides
(n. 1923) Kibei Nisei poeta, activista
On telling his wife he had radiation sickness and his son’s cancer
(n. 1938) Japonés estadounidense. Sobreviviente de la bomba atómica de Hiroshima
Interracial marriage trends
(n. 1974) Colombiana japonesa que actualmente reside en los Estados Unidos
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