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The Intersection between Internment and Judgeship

Over time, I did come to the conclusion that I definitely believe that it was wrong- the internment of the Japanese. I think that now, at least among the legal scholars, that it’s a universal opinion that it’s wrong, and that the Korematsu decision is probably one of the worst decisions the Supreme Court ever made.

So I share that belief. It was a very shameful and wrongful thing for the country to do. So I think that conviction does inform my attitude as a judge. In other words, I think I’m probably much less inclined than a lot of other judges to always trust what the government does. Sometimes it’s kind of a good thing, sometimes it’s not, but there are some people who almost believe that the government can’t do anything wrong, and of course, we know that that’s not true. So I bring that attitude to my job as a judge.

Turning it around the other way, how has my legal career affected my views on the internment? I think it’s made my views more firm that it was an injustice, and I think the same kind of attitude and the same kind of thinking pervades a lot of government thinking, and it has over the years in similar situations. So I don’t think it’s something that can be relegated to the past. I think that the same principles, same notions are at play today in a lot of different contexts. I think one of the things we are not doing is paying as much attention to our past history as we should- to inform the decisions we as a country make today. I think we can improve upon that quite a bit.

jueces derecho Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos

Fecha: July 2, 2014

Zona: California, US

Entrevista: Sakura Kato

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum; Japanese American Bar Association


Nacido en Santa María, California, el juez Atsushi Wallace Tashima es el primer japonés-estadounidense y el tercer asiático-estadounidense en la historia en integrar un Tribunal de Apelaciones de los Estados Unidos. Sus padres eran inmigrantes issei. Pasó tres años de su infancia en el Centro de Reubicación de Guerra de Poston en Poston, Arizona. Cuando Tashima ingresó a su primer año en la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad de Harvard en 1958, él era uno de los únicos cuatro estudiantes asiático-estadounidenses en Harvard. Sin embargo, Tashima llegó a tener una carrera como juez federal durante 34 años. En 1980, Tashima fue nombrado por el presidente Carter para el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Central de California. Después de 15 años de servicio en el Tribunal de Distrito, el presidente Clinton  ascendió a Tashima al Tribunal de Apelaciones de los Estados Unidos del  Noveno Circuito, cuya jurisdicción abarca los nueve estados occidentales en la Costa Oeste. En el 2004, Tashima asumió el estatus de juez decano y actualmente integra el Tribunal del Noveno Circuito en Pasadena, California.  (Agosto de 2014)

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