Yoshitaro Amano continues his efforts in business in order to pursue his studies (Japanese)
(Japanese) In Costa Rica, Amano was in the fishing business with a ship built in Yaizu (Japan), the Amano-Maru. In Ecuador, he was operating a quinine factory. In Peru, at the time, he was involved in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, so he was in finance. In Bolivia, he had a tree planting business. In Chile, he was managing a farm. Oh, he even managed to invest in Manchuria. Well, Amano always set short, mid and long term goals throughout his life. Even though he went through all kinds of different things, he tried to make profits considering both short term and mid-term. Well, in tree planting or farming, for example, he had the long term point of view and tried to invest accordingly. No matter where you end up, if you diversify your investments throughout the world, you will be okay. That’s why he even invested in Manchuria. Once he made enough money to live on for the rest of his life, no matter what happened to him, he moved forward with his original life goal, which was to spend his time studying. You know, Amano originally wanted to be a scholar of some sort. He used to say that he wanted to be a dialectologist. In short, he was interested in research. Mainly, he wasn’t really a businessman type.
Fecha: May 7, 2007
Zona: California, US
Entrevista: Yoko Nishimura
País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum
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