BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20050621T000000Z DTEND:20050624T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>The Grand Kabuki\,</strong> Japan's most spectacular th eater tradition\, makes its triumphant return to Southern California for t he first time in nearly a decade with the critically acclaimed <strong>Chi kamatsu-za</strong> troupe. Named for Japan's foremost classical playwrigh t\, the 75-member troupe\, headed by celebrated Living National Treasure < strong>Nakamura Ganjiro III</strong>\, will present the classic masterpiec e "Sonezaki Shinju" or "The Love Suicides at Sonezaki" paired with an elab orately costumed dance piece.\n\n<strong>Kabuki</strong> is known as one o f the world's greatest theatrical arts. It has captivated and inspired aud iences for more than 350 years with its visual splendor. It is unique in i ts stunning portrayal of beautiful women by male onnagata actors. A full e nsemble of singers\, shamisen players and percussionists will provide exci ting musical accompaniment.\n\n---\n\nA Program of Classical Favorites (Ea rphone Guides to provide English commentary timed to match the action on s tage will be available for the performances):\n\nJune 21\, 2005\, 7:30pm - "Ayatsuri Sambaso" and "Sonezaki Shinju"\n\nJune 22\, 23\, 24\, 2005\, 8p m - "Sonezaki Shinju" and "Bo Shibari"\n\n<strong>"Ayatsuri Sambaso"</stro ng>\, (Marionette Sambaso) - Starring Nakamura Kanjaku. Features a puppete er and his marionette who become increasingly animated as the tempo increa ses.\n\n<strong>"Sonezaki Shinju"</strong> (Love Suicides at Sonezaki) - S tarring Nakamura Ganjiro III\, Nakamura Kanjaku\, Nakamura Kikaku. Recount s the plight of two lovers caught in a struggle between duty and personal desire\, which ultimately leads to their deaths.\n\n<strong>"Bo Shibari"</ strong> - Starring Nakamura Kanjaku\, Nakamura Kikaku. In spite of being " bound and tied to a pole" (Bo Shibari)\, two servants manage to get into t heir master's best sake\, thoroughly amusing themselves with song and danc e.\n\n---\n\nPresented by the Japanese American Cultural and Community Cen ter in association with Sammy Corporation. All performances at the Cerrito r Center for the Performing Arts. Ticket Office 800.300.4345 or 562.916.85 00. Tickets online: <a href="">www.cerritosce</a>.\n\n DTSTAMP:20240913T221834Z SUMMARY:Shochiku Grand Kabuki Chikamatsu-za in Cerritos\, CA - June 21-24 URL:/en/events/2005/06/21/shochiku-grand-kabuki-chikamatsu-za-in-cerritos-c a/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR