BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20050408T000000Z DTEND:20050409T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<b>The Assembly on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilia ns</b>\nFriday-Saturday\, April 8-9\, 2005\nHastings College of the Law\nS an Francisco\, California\n\nThe Assembly on Wartime Relocation and Intern ment of Civilians\, a grassroots public education forum\, will focus on th e personal testimonies of US citizens and immigrants of Japanese\, German and Italian ancestry in the US and from Latin America\, who have not recei ved proper acknowledgment nor an apology for the violation of their civil and human rights due to US government action during World War II.\n\nInfor mation and registration form available at the <a href="http://www.campaign">Campaign for Justice</a> website.\n\nFor information on how to submit testimony: \nE-mail: \nPh: (415) 921-5007 \n<a href="">www.campaignforjusticejl</a>\n<i>For related information on this topic in the Discover Nikkei website\, see:</i>\n<b><a>Internment</a></b> and <b><a>Redress</a></b> DTSTAMP:20250116T143204Z SUMMARY:2005-04-08 San Francisco: Assembly on Wartime Relocation and Intern ment of Civilians URL:/en/events/2005/04/08/2005-04-08-san-francisco-assembly-on-wartime-relo c/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR