BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240928T000000Z DTEND:20240928T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Japan Society is honored to welcome bestselling author Toshikaz u Kawaguchi for an exclusive talk and signing in celebration of the upcomi ng release of the newest book in his <em>Before the Coffee Gets Cold</em>  series – <em>Before We Forget Kindness</em>. Attendees can pre-order copies of <em>Before We Forget Kindness</em> at the event and receive an exclusive signed bookplate and bookmark to take home. Pre-ordered copies can be picked up at Kinokuniya NYC after November 5\, or can be shipped fo r an extra fee.\n\nAuthor<strong> Toshikazu Kawaguchi</strong> was born in Osaka\, Japan in 1971. He has written\, directed and produced plays for the theatrical group Sonic Snail. As a playwright\, his works include <e m>COUPLE</em>\, <em>Sunset Song</em> and <em>family time</em>. His most acclaimed play\, <em>Before the Coffee Gets Cold</em>\, won the Grand Pr ize at the Suginami Drama Festival\, and he would go on to adapt it into h is debut novel.\n\nHis <em>Before the Coffee Gets Cold </em>has gone on to become an international bestseller\, grow into a series of books and ha s even been adapted for the big screen. DTSTAMP:20241105T125918Z SUMMARY:Author Talk and Signing: Toshikazu Kawaguchi URL:/en/events/2024/09/28/author-talk-and-signing-toshikazu-kawaguchi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR