BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240411T000000Z DTEND:20240411T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<a href=" &amp\;txobjid=db356e52-d0b4-49d4-8521-3e86b5049499">TICKETS</a>\n\nMembers : Free\; General: $10\n\nJoin <strong><a href=" its/grb5"><em>Giant Robot Biennale 5</em> </a>  </strong> artists<strong>  Darren and Trisha Inouye</strong> \, the duo known as <strong><a href="">Giorgiko</a> </strong> \, for a workshop t hat explores individual creativity and the surprising nature of collaborat ion. Participants will start prompt-based drawings and pass them around to each other\, engaging in the fun experiment of enhancing someone else’s artwork with one’s unique touch\, and concluding with reflection and a group discussion.\n\nEnjoy food from <a href=" astlosmusubi/?hl=en">East Los Musubi</a>  and drinks from <a href="https ://">Sanzo</a>  and <a href=" ewyardbeerco/">Brewyard Beer Company</a> \, available for purchase.\n\n<em >All guests must be over the age of 21 with valid\, physical photo ID. Wor kshops are suitable for all skill levels and all materials and technical a ssistance will be provided by JANM.</em>\n\nDARREN AND TRISHA INOUYE\, THE DUO KNOWN AS GIORGIKO\n\nFrom minimal character illustration to large-sca le classical paintings\, Giorgiko’s work deals with the affective dimens ion of the human experience through their childlike characters and mysteri ous dogs who represent the innocence and carnality of the human spirit and soul. DTSTAMP:20250115T220039Z SUMMARY:ASOBI at JANM: Collaborative Art Making with Giorgiko URL:/en/events/2024/04/11/asobi-at-janm-collaborative-art-making-with-giorg / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR