BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20231101T000000Z DTEND:20240331T000000Z DESCRIPTION:\n<p style="display: block\; margin-top: 13.0px\; margin-right: 0.0px\; margin-bottom: 13.0px\; margin-left: 0.0px\; margin: 0\;">JAMsj i s proud to announce our newest Exhibit in the museum gallery: <strong>"Let ters From the Incarceration Camps: 収容所からの手紙"</strong> by t he JAMsj Nihongo Team.\n\n<p style="display: block\; margin-top: 13.0px\; margin-right: 0.0px\; margin-bottom: 13.0px\; margin-left: 0.0px\; margin: 0\;">Come see our new Glass Case exhibit featuring Japanese hand-written letters by the Ono brothers\, separately incarcerated in Tule Lake and P oston. \n\n<p style="display: block\; margin-top: 13.0px\; margin-right: 0.0px\; margin-bottom: 13.0px\; margin-left: 0.0px\; margin: 0\;"> \n\n<p style="display: block\; margin-top: 13.0px\; margin-right: 0.0px\; margin -bottom: 13.0px\; margin-left: 0.0px\; margin: 0\;">From the Ono brother' s perspective\, these letters describe life inside Tule Lake after the ca mp's closure was announced\, and the tension and confusion as they discus s living together again as a family.\n\n<p style="display: block\; margin- top: 13.0px\; margin-right: 0.0px\; margin-bottom: 13.0px\; margin-left: 0 .0px\; margin: 0\;"> \n\n<p style="display: block\; margin-top: 13.0px\; margin-right: 0.0px\; margin-bottom: 13.0px\; margin-left: 0.0px\; margin: 0\;">Special Thanks to Yokomizo family of Oakland and and the Ohgama-Song family\n Appreciation to CANON !\n\n<p style="display: block\; margin-top : 13.0px\; margin-right: 0.0px\; margin-bottom: 13.0px\; margin-left: 0.0p x\; margin: 0\;"> \n\n<p style="display: block\; margin-top: 13.0px\; mar gin-right: 0.0px\; margin-bottom: 13.0px\; margin-left: 0.0px\; margin: 0\ ;">This enlightening exhibit is currently on display and will run through March 2024\n\n DTSTAMP:20240919T220755Z SUMMARY:"Letters From the Incarceration Camps: 収容所からの手紙" URL:/en/events/2023/11/01/letters-from-the-incarceration-camps/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR