BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230610T000000Z DTEND:20230610T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Date:</strong> Saturday\, June 10\n<strong>Time:</stro ng> 8 pm\n<strong>Location:</strong> Hart House Theatre\, 7 Hart House C ircle\, Toronto\n<strong>Tickets:</strong> $35-$45 adults\, $25-$35 senio rs and students\n<strong>Buy tickets:</strong> <a href="https://nagatasha\;id=2d 1ef53601&amp\;e=2f12f13da3" target="_blank"> a-shachu-and-masayuki-sakamoto</a>\n<strong>EARLYBIRD DISCOUNT</strong> 2 0% OFF all regular priced adult tickets: using the code <strong>NSEB3</st rong> until April 30\, 2023\n \nNagata Shachu Japanese taiko and music g roup proudly presents 'Flow'\, the final concert of its 25th Anniversary 2 022-2023 concert season featuring Masayuki Sakamoto from Japan. This spel lbinding season finale will weave together Nagata Shachu’s traditional t aiko rhythms with Sakamoto’s rebellious rock n roll influence\, while hy pnotically immersed in the flow state.\nMasayuki Sakamoto has gained inter national attention around the world as a next generation taiko player who combines taiko and rock sensibilities in his music. He is one of the few Japanese artists who is constantly pushing boundaries and challenging him self as a solo artist.\n\nSakamoto was the front man and featured principa l performer in the world renowned Kodo drummers from Japan for over ten y ears before becoming an independent soloist in 2018. With Kodo\, he toured  across the globe and performed in over 400 concerts in some of the world ’s most prestigious venues. \n\nAs a soloist\, Sakamoto has collaborate d with a variety of artists from various disciplines both in his native J apan as well as in Europe and North America. DTSTAMP:20250123T150749Z SUMMARY:Toronto Taiko "Flow" concert with Nagata Shachu and Masayuki Sakamo to!! URL:/en/events/2023/06/10/toronto-taiko-flow-concert-with-nagata-shachu-an/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR