BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230218T000000Z DTEND:20230218T000000Z DESCRIPTION:2013\, Music by Jack Perla\; Libretto by Jessica Murphy Moo\n < span style="color: var(--body_typography-color)\; font-style: var(--body_t ypography-font-style\,normal)\; letter-spacing: var(--body_typography-lett er-spacing)\;">Commissioned by Seattle Opera by arrangement with the publi sher: Music Without Walls\n <span style="color: var(--body_typography-colo r)\; font-style: var(--body_typography-font-style\,normal)\; letter-spacin g: var(--body_typography-letter-spacing)\;">Sole Agent: Bill Holab Music \ n\n<strong>Genre:</strong>  WWII Drama set in the Pacific Northwest\n <st rong>Running time:</strong> 70 minutes\n <strong>Language: </strong> Engli sh with surtitles\n <strong>Venue:</strong>  Lobero Theatre\n\nTreasured possessions become symbols of their lost homes for two women during World War II: a Japanese American facing incarceration and a German Jewish imm igrant preoccupied by those she left behind\, in Jack Perla and Jessica M urphy Moo’s 2013 drama. DTSTAMP:20240916T150335Z SUMMARY:Opera Santa Barbara presents An American Dream URL:/en/events/2023/02/18/opera-santa-barbara-presents-an-american-dream/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR