BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220925T000000Z DTEND:20220925T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE</strong>\n\n<strong ><span style="color: #c21313\;"><a href=" m/9644p/page.aspx?pid=196&amp\;tab=2&amp\;txobjid=39088b63-9fae-4fd6-9362- 23e0e093ac9c">RSVP NOW</a></strong>\n\nJoin us for the launch of <em>Irei : National Monument for the WWII Japanese American Incarceration</em>\, a multi-faceted project to address the erasure of the identities of individu als of Japanese ancestry who experienced wartime incarceration.\n\nLed by USC Ito Center Director Duncan Ryuken Williams and Project Creative Direct or Sunyoung Lee\, the Irei Monument Project expands and re-envisions what a monument is through three distinct\, interlinking elements: a sacred boo k of names as monument (慰霊帳 Ireichō)\, an online archive as monumen t (慰霊蔵 Ireizō)\, and light sculptures as monument (慰霊碑 Ireihi ). Drawing on traditions of monuments built in America’s internment and concentrations camps — such as the Manzanar Ireito\, the Amache Ireito\, and Rohwer's Ireihi (Soul Consolation Towers or Monuments)— the project aims to memorialize the past and repair the fractures caused by America ’s racial karma.\n\nThe Ireichō (a large-sized book of names) contains the first comprehensive listing of over 125\,000 persons of Japanese ances try who were incarcerated in US Army\, Department of Justice\, Wartime Civ il Control Administration\, and War Relocation Authority camps. Embedded i nto the very materiality of the Ireicho are special ceramic pieces made fr om soil collected by the project from seventy-five former incarceration si tes from Alaska to Hawaii\, Arkansas to California\, and from almost every other region of the United States.\n\nOn Sunday\, September 25th\, the ge neral public is invited to be among the first to view and acknowledge indi vidual names in the Ireichō. Visitors are requested to use a special Japa nese <em>hanko</em> (stamp/seal) to leave a mark for each person in the monument as a way to honor those incarcerated during World War II. Please participate in the launch of this year-long campaign to acknowledge all 12 5\,000 names from every site of wartime incarceration.\n\nDue to limited c apacity\, preregistration for timed entry is required to participate on op ening day.\n\nThe Ireizō (the project’s online archive at <a href="htt p://"></a>) will also launch on the same day. Names of internees and incarcerees will be searchable alphabetically or b y camp. For more information about the Irei Monument Project\, please read this article published by the <em>Rafu Shimpo</em>. <a href="https://ra ing-wwii-to-launch-in-fall/">Read Now</a> DTSTAMP:20241010T204404Z SUMMARY:Irei: National Monument for the WWII Japanese American Incarceratio n Launch URL:/en/events/2022/09/25/irei-national-monument-for-the-wwii-japanese-amer / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR