BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220915T000000Z DTEND:20220915T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Virtual Event Daryl Joji Maeda (LIKE WATER: A CULTURAL HISTORY OF BRUCE LEE)\n\n<strong>Please join Chaucer's Books for a virtual author discussion with Daryl Joji Maeda\, the author of LIKE WATER: A CULTURAL HI STORY OF BRUCE LEE on Thursday\, September 15 at 6 p.m. (Pacific Time(.</s trong>\n\n<strong>To watch this event via Zoom\, please click on this link :<a href=""> /89514389554</a></strong>\n\n<strong>To watch this event on YouTube!\, ple ase click on this link: <a href=" OqkmnBj8TvT25NFQ/videos"> vT25NFQ/videos</a></strong>\n\nDescription\n\n<strong>Highlights Bruce Lee 's influence beyond martial arts and film</strong>\n\nAn Asian and Asian A merican icon of unimaginable stature and influence\, Bruce Lee revolutioni zed the martial arts by combining influences drawn from around the world. Uncommonly determined\, physically gifted\, and artistically brilliant\, L ee rose to fame as part of a wave of transpacific globalization that bridg ed the nearly seven thousand miles between Hong Kong and California. <em> Like Water</em> unpacks Lee's global impact\, linking his legendary statu s as a martial artist\, actor\, and director to his continual traversals a cross the newly interconnected Asia and America.\n\nDaryl Joji Maeda's mul tifaceted account of Bruce Lee's legacy uniquely traces how movements and migrations across the Pacific Ocean structured the cultures Bruce Lee inhe rited\, the milieu he occupied\, the martial art he developed\, the films he made\, and the world he left behind. A unique blend of cultural history and biography\, <em>Like Water </em>unearths the cultural strands that Lee intertwined in his rise to a new kind of global stardom. Moving from t he gold rush in California and the British occupation of Hong Kong\, to th e Cold War and the deployment of American troops across Asia\, Maeda build s depth and complexity to this larger-than-life figure. His cultural chron ology of Bruce Lee reveals Lee to be both a product of his time and a harb inger of a more connected future.\n\nNearly half a century after his tragi c death\, Bruce Lee remains an inspiring symbol of innovation and determin ation\, with an enduring legacy as the first Asian American global superst ar.\n\nAbout the Author\n\n<strong>Daryl Joji Maeda</strong> is Dean and Vice Provost of Undergraduate Education and Professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado\, Boulder. He is the author of Chains of Babyl on: The Rise of Asian America and Rethinking the Asian American Movement. DTSTAMP:20240911T142106Z SUMMARY:Virtual Author Talk with Daryl Joji Maeda\, author of LIKE WATER: A CULTURAL HISTORY OF BRUCE LEE URL:/en/events/2022/09/15/virtual-author-talk-with-daryl-joji-maeda-author/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR