BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20211106T000000Z DTEND:20211106T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>$25 GENERAL ADMISSION / $20 MEMBERS</strong>\n\nMaking  <em>gyoza</em> (Japanese dumplings) can be a fun group activity or a so lo meditative practice. In this interactive virtual workshop\, learn the b asics with cookbook author and designer\, <strong>Azusa Oda</strong>\, an d make this perennial favorite a part of your cooking repertoire. You will be sent the ingredient list and necessary setup in advance so you can coo k along from your own kitchen.\n\nAzusa Oda comes from a long line of prof essional and home cooks\, and her abilities in the kitchen have been heavi ly influenced by growing up as her mother’s unofficial sous chef. Raised in both Tokyo and the Bay Area of California\, she had a bicultural upbri nging that shaped the way she views Japanese culinary traditions and techn iques. She created her blog\, <a href="">humble</a>\, in 2008 to share her contemporary variations on simple and delicious Japanese recipes. While cooking is one of her passions\, she nurtures an equal interest in design and has an MFA from California Colle ge of the Arts. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter.\n\ nOda’s book\, <em>Japanese Cookbook for Beginners: Classic and Modern R ecipes Made Easy</em>\, is available in the JANM Store.  <a href="https:/ /">BUY NOW</a>\n\n<s trong><a href="\ ;txobjid=453a2d55-61e9-41c6-843f-ebafef4feb6f" target="_blank">RSVP HERE</ a></strong>\n\n<strong>\n</strong> DTSTAMP:20240919T220541Z SUMMARY:Japanese Cooking for Beginners with Azusa Oda: Gyoza URL:/en/events/2021/11/06/japanese-cooking-for-beginners-with-azusa-oda-gyo / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR