BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20211101T000000Z DTEND:20220116T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<p style="color: #222222\; font-family: Arial \, "><span style= "font-size: 16.0px\;">Hidden Histories of San Jose Japantown has graciousl y offered to extend this wonderful exhibit to January 16\, 2022!\n \n JAMs j is excited to feature an exhibit on the Hidden Histories of San Jose Ja pantown project. Learn more about this unique\, grassroots project that c ombines augmented reality technology\, art\, and local history and cultur e to explore the little known\, and “hidden” stories of connection be tween the Chinese\, Japanese and Filipino communities that together\, sha ped the Japantown we know today.\n \n Currently\, there are nine AR art in stallations up and running\, completed in June 2021. Utilizing an “Imme rsive Technology and the Arts” grant awarded to JAMsj from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation\, the project supported the creation of th e AR art installations The exhibit will show you how to access the free a pp\, where to view the installations and provide background on the artist s and their art pieces.\n \n Hidden Histories Project website: <a href="h ttps:// 589912b69%26id%3D48eb3e35b8%26e%3Dd9b2bc3dfd" style="color: #7351a1\; font -weight: bold\; text-decoration: underline\;" target="_blank">https://hidd</a> \n \n Video short on the project: <a href="https :// 12b69%26id%3Dc329421dc2%26e%3Dd9b2bc3dfd" style="color: #7351a1\; font-wei ght: bold\; text-decoration: underline\;" target="_blank">https://www.yout\;t=45s</a> \n \n YouTube Channel – see t he complete collection of videos\, including of past public programs the project organized for JAMsj\, oral history interviews\, and interviews of the project artists and advisors:\n <a href=" client/7_BpZAujb4I/dereferrer/?redirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fjamsj.us2.list-ma %26e%3Dd9b2bc3dfd" style="color: #7351a1\; font-weight: bold\; text-decora tion: underline\;" target="_blank"> aBDo9GAgu6ezQfXWQ/videos</a> \n DTSTAMP:20241204T152655Z SUMMARY:Hidden Histories of San Jose Japantown URL:/en/events/2021/11/01/hidden-histories-of-san-jose-japantown/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR