BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20211119T000000Z DTEND:20211119T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>November 19th at 7pm-8pm (PT) via Zoom (sign-in require d)</strong>\n[in English\, 英語]\n\nIn celebration and appreciation of V eteran’s Day\, please join us with Nisei Veteran’s Committee Represent ative Lieutenant Colonel Michael J. Yaguchi\, United States Air Force (USA F)\, speaking on the history of the Military Intelligence Service (MIS). W e will be learning about the history and sacrifices that both Nisei men an d women made pre and post-war as MIS work continued through the U.S. occup ation of Japan.\n\n Register today!\n<a href=" p? plfsNDW8KcBrZxA_N825LbjOAwPljRnZDVPKPxgcC26wMUs&amp\;h=AT05lBypgpQ8Yj8vIws zxVLsweZT5PkFItAN6FxEOAtwC6XiemSymVQPO9pGyz4Olxnf8K-5QRMvYtEs7Y2o23-9K3Jyq LyNoI-txEadmIIgslWX1TPInvOKx4UL9fAQbRsByb0oXg&amp\;__tn__=q&amp\;c[0]=AT2y FjRnzDpi5w3H9cSW4hnN9qJ0MplAMfXI2TZDtprxGNbaefLlTWo32ojZVkQRxTSKOyTGM13yNX EirEFwef64422gZsW2bwCPA7NGW_3GVpF_p6pWSBOQorRgkUNUB44" target="_blank">htt ps://</a>\n(Registration will close at 5 pm on November 18\, 2021)\n\n-------\nAbout the Northwest Nikkei Museum Speaker Series\nLearn about Japanese American history and community development t hrough a new\, monthly program with the Northwest Nikkei Museum(NNM)! We ’ll cover a variety of topics and perspectives related to Japanese Ameri cans in the Northwest and beyond\, with a new speaker every third Friday o f the month!\n------- DTSTAMP:20240917T015208Z SUMMARY:Unsung Heroes: The History of the Military Intelligence Service URL:/en/events/2021/11/19/unsung-heroes-the-history-of-the-military-intelli / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR