BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210526T000000Z DTEND:20210526T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The National Park Service (NPS) is restarting the special resou rce study of the Granada Relocation Center\, more commonly known as Amache .&nbsp\; Authorized by Congress in 2019 under the John D. Dingell\, Jr. Co nservation\, Management and Recreation Act\, the study will evaluate Amach e&rsquo\;s potential for inclusion in the national park system.&nbsp\; &nb sp\;\n\nFollowing the outbreak of COVID-19 and cancellation of public meet ings in 2020\, three additional virtual public meetings will be held in Ma y 2021 as a continuation of public involvement efforts for this study. &nb sp\;As outreach moves forward in a virtual format\, the NPS welcomes the p ublic to submit comments about Amache. The public comment period has been extended to June 30\, 2021.\n\nPublic involvement is a key aspect of the A mache Special Resource Study\, and the study team welcomes your thoughts\, ideas and feedback. You can learn more about Amache and the special resou rce study underway through the study newsletter&nbsp\;(see link below).\n\ n&nbsp\;\n\n<a href=" D=92521"></a>\ n<strong>Virtual Meetings Schedule: </strong>\n<strong>2. Wednesday\, May 26\, 2021</strong>\n\n2:30 p.m.&ndash\;4:30 p.m. PST (3:30 p.m.&ndash\;5:3 0 p.m. MST)\n\nOnline:\;&nbsp\;&n bsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; \n\nPhone: (877) 853 5247. \n\nMeeting ID: 943 1512 7736\n\n<strong>Comments can also be submitted online at</strong><str ong>:</strong><strong></strong>\n<a href=" ument.cfm?parkID=415&amp\;projectID=92521&amp\;documentID=101266">https://\;projectID=92521&amp\;doc umentID=101266</a><span style="text-decoration: underline\;">\n DTSTAMP:20240920T074524Z SUMMARY:National Park Service Amache Special Resource Study Public Scoping Meeting #2 URL:/en/events/2021/05/26/national-park-service-amache-special-resource-stu d/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR