BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210121T000000Z DTEND:20210121T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Thursday\, January 21\, 2021 at 4 PM PST\n\nIn his new book\, &quot\;The Unsung Great: Stories of Extraordinary Japanese Americans\,&qu ot\; scholar and journalist Greg Robinson showcases the lives and achieve ments of relatively unknown but remarkable people in Nikkei history.\nDra wn primarily from Robinson&rsquo\;s popular writings in the Nichi Bei Wee kly and Discover Nikkei\, &quot\;The Unsung Great&quot\; offers entertain ing and compelling stories that challenge one-dimensional views of Japane se Americans. This collection breaks new ground by devoting attention to Nikkei beyond the West Coast&mdash\;including the vibrant communities of New York and Chicago\, as well as the little-known history of Japanese Am ericans in the US South.\n\nIn this book launch event\, Robinson&mdash\;a native New Yorker&mdash\;will explore the unknown aspects of the diverse and artistically vibrant Nikkei community in prewar and wartime New York . He will then be joined by artists Tomie Arai and Sheila Hamanaka in a c onversation moderated by Brian Niiya\, Densho Content Director.\n\nRegist er for the webinar here: <a href=" -hnOJGuxYa9pSfOGQ262EJWBKbsB2r29ddNehWWRvUjbhci9Q_e8" target="_blank">http ://</a>\n\nCopies of the book are available for purchase at Elliott Bay Book Company: <a href=" 2ciJ__eJ0dbwxQond8GDXsjjI0&amp\;h=AT1NLY53VnfYvCgO2XiAO04RAg2gWOjMTqKlIBa5 F_fQ_peb2vKwj3n1Y1zXmzFufdnmKb7Vpfvt6T2rTX1nHm0-5H89AZDfOz2z509f9nay7P5sQ1 9UGdvQ2CWSuTor-Q&amp\;__tn__=q&amp\;c[0]=AT3JCrnDY3dZiOEHodCch-b2mN0wre3Pb Sp8vso8R-BIERbmnw4dTzGm4HS0r32aeyIRbZOvcGg19zGUFhhBolI-B-0hg6zgx9VPRLJkrKi f2KtphW5NjmuPr8SUFtN_aiZEjtUG42MqDb5NkX_A-_2UHtg4DTOK8y4-8hDrML_RHtU" targ et="_blank"></a>\n\nCo-presented by Densho\, Japanese A merican Association\, NYC DOR Committee\, New York JACL\, University of W ashington Press\, and Elliott Bay Book Company DTSTAMP:20240908T065054Z SUMMARY:Untold Stories of Nikkei New York URL:/en/events/2021/01/21/untold-stories-of-nikkei-new-york/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR