BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201110T000000Z DTEND:20201110T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In Japan\, the idea of food sustainability is nothing new. As f ar back as 1804\, Japanese company Mizkan Group harnessed the concept of u pcycling by using sake by-products to create an entirely new vinegar. Toda y\, Japanese company ZENB is following in those footsteps\, incorporating parts of vegetables that are usually discarded\, including cores\, seeds a nd stems\, into their plant-based snacks. At this talk\,&nbsp\;<strong>Sei ko Nakano</strong>&nbsp\;from Mizkan Group and&nbsp\;<strong>Christiane Pa ul</strong>&nbsp\;from ZENB discuss their innovative\, wholesome food prod uction strategies\, and join&nbsp\;<strong>Brian Kateman</strong>&nbsp\;fo r a panel discussion about the future of food sustainability. As cofounder and president of the Reducetarian Foundation\, which advocates for reduci ng the consumption of animal products\, Kateman is a leading voice in the realm of environmental and food sustainability.&nbsp\;<em>The panel will b e followed by a cooking demonstration featuring&nbsp\;<a href="https://zen" target="_blank">ZENB</a>&nbsp\;products. All registrants will rece ive a recipe and a&nbsp\;<strong>set of 3 complimentary ZENB Veggie Sticks </strong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; (choice of Classic\, Harvest or Seasonal variety) (shipping included). Recipe and details on how to claim the Veggie Sticks will be e-mailed in advance of the program.</em>\n<strong>Program Details :\n</strong>This is a free event\, with advance registration required.&nbs p\;<em>Pay What You Wish</em>&nbsp\;options are also available to support our innovative programs. The program will be live-streamed through YouTube \, and registrants will receive the viewing link by email on the event day . Participants can submit questions through YouTube during the live stream . Partly in Japanese\, with English interpretation provided. DTSTAMP:20240914T144827Z SUMMARY:Sustainable Foods: A Mottainai Mindset URL:/en/events/2020/11/10/sustainable-foods-a-mottainai-mindset/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR