BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200723T000000Z DTEND:20200723T000000Z DESCRIPTION:This discussion centers on the inspiring force of activist&nbsp \;<strong>Yuri Kochiyama&nbsp\;</strong>(1921&ndash\;2014)\, whose work to build community and solidarity across racial and generational lines in th e decades after World War II is a timely model for today&rsquo\;s movement building and efforts toward meaningful allyship.\n\nIn the 1960s\, the Ha rlem apartment of Yuri and Bill Kochiyama was a hub of community service a nd social justice mobilization. During her sixty years of activism\, Yuri was involved in Malcolm X&rsquo\;s Organization of Afro-American Unity\, t he Republic of New Africa\, Puerto Rican nationalism\, Japanese American r edress and reparations\, and countless actions supporting human rights.\n\ n<strong>Dr. Karen L. Ishizuka</strong>\, filmmaker and chief curator at t he Japanese American National Museum\, moderates a discussion about Yuri&r squo\;s life\, influence\, and legacies with singer-songwriter&nbsp\;<stro ng>Nobuko Miyamoto</strong>\, public artist&nbsp\;<strong>Tomie Arai</stro ng>\, and writer&nbsp\;<strong>Kai Naima Williams</strong>.\n\n<strong>The Q&amp\;A will be streamed live on Smithsonian Folklife&rsquo\;s&nbsp\;<a href="" target="_b lank">YouTube channel</a>&nbsp\;and&nbsp\;<a href=" m/smithsonianfolklife/" target="_blank">Facebook page</a>&nbsp\;at 9 a.m. (PDT) on Thursday\, July 23.</strong>&nbsp\;Participants will be able to c hat and ask additional questions live (you will need to be logged in to Yo uTube or Facebook to participate in the chat).\n\n<em>This program is co-p resented by the Smithsonian Folklife Festival\, Tadaima! A Community Virtu al Pilgrimage\, the Japanese American National Museum\, and the Smithsonia n Asian Pacific American Center.</em>\n\nImage:&nbsp\;<em>A Mural for Yuri &amp\; Malcolm</em>\, created by artists/activists inspired by the legaci es and deep friendship of Yuri Kochiyama and Malcolm X. Photo courtesy of Nobuko Miyamoto. DTSTAMP:20240912T034356Z SUMMARY:The Art of Movement and Coalition Building: Learning from Yuri Koch iyama URL:/en/events/2020/07/23/the-art-of-movement-and-coalition-building-learni / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR