BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200620T000000Z DTEND:20200620T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Japantown for Justice is a group of young Japantown community m embers is organizing a response to @M4BL&rsquo\;s (Movement for Black Live s) call to action for Juneteenth weekend.\n\nThey will be creating thought ful community art in solidarity with the Black community. This family-frie ndly art event is one of many steps we are taking to mobilize and unite ou r community to&nbsp\;<a href=" lives?__eep__=6">#DefendBlackLives</a>.\n\nHand sanitizer and masks will b e provided for those who don&rsquo\;t have one. There will also respect 6- foot social distancing guideline.&nbsp\;\n\nSign up online at:&nbsp\;<a hr ef=" fbclid%3DIwAR16SjbvbUELRvDgCAP22So3jGmdxHu7F2b6TS0bHgh1of0nyy-j07IEh4k&amp \;h=AT2i7Zrag09ZiBcW5-HtClu2MVJOitYjdsjQF2T7AS_HkrvWGzUloBgnJN2_67mCPS2JiG rNDH-MjxNnYlc34Yedcf1IeV7l1KUXuDE4cFboZzVUB3t_FIpSZK1vIk6uODnSdQDUxQ" targ et="_blank"></a>&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20241203T175908Z SUMMARY:Art + Activism: In Defense of Black Lives URL:/en/events/2020/06/20/art-activism-in-defense-of-black-lives/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR