BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200505T000000Z DTEND:20200505T000000Z DESCRIPTION:While times of global crisis can bring out the best in this cou ntry\, they also have a history of surfacing deeply rooted xenophobia and bigotry. At a moment where many are fearful\, we are once again seeing eff orts to scapegoat a group of Americans based on their identity.\n\nOn May 5\, the Pacific Council and Japanese American National Museum (JANM)\, in partnership with Skylight Books\, will host a conversation with <strong>Jo hn Tateishi</strong> about his recent book\,&nbsp\;<em><strong>Redress: Th e Inside Story of the Successful Campaign for Japanese American Reparation s</strong></em>\, and his experiences leading the fight to seek reparative justice. Tateishi will join <strong>Karen Ishizuka</strong>\, Chief Curat or at JANM\, to discuss the parallels between his own experiences\, the po st-9/11 period\, and today.\n\nIn the midst of the &ldquo\;Safer at Home&r dquo\; order\, it is more important than ever to support our local busines ses and neighbors. Copies of&nbsp\;<em>Redress: The Inside Story of the Su ccessful Campaign for Japanese American Reparations</em>&nbsp\;can be boug ht from from the&nbsp\;<a href=" -inside-story" target="_blank"><strong>JANM Store</strong></a>&nbsp\;or fr om&nbsp\;<a href="" target="_blank"><strong> Skylight Books</strong></a>&nbsp\;(in Los Feliz\, Los Angeles).\n\n<strong >This program is FREE\, but please RSVP using the form below. You will be emailed instructions for how to join our conversation online. Please conta ct if you have any additional questions.</strong>\ n<strong><a href="" target=" _blank"></a></strong>\n<strong><a href=" /n?vid=74whi" target="_blank">REGISTER NOW</a></strong> DTSTAMP:20241008T054133Z SUMMARY:ONLINE Book Talk: From World War II to COVID-19: Reflections from t he Fight Against Japanese American Incarceration URL:/en/events/2020/05/05/online-book-talk-from-world-war-ii-to-covid-19-r/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR