BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190629T000000Z DTEND:20190629T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Senshin Buddhist Temple will be having their Obon Bon Odori on Saturday&nbsp\;with dancing from 7:00 pm\, Omairi in the Hondo at 9:00 pm\ , then Sento Shogen (1000 oil lamps)\, Otoki\, and ending with Horaku by K innara Taiko at 10pm.&nbsp\;\nSenshin Buddhist Temple isn't your typical O bon Festival. There isn't tons of food booths and games tents that line th e parking lot\, the focus is on the meaning of Obon. Senshin does have sna cks and refreshments (hot dogs\, snow cones\, somen).&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\nAfter the Bon Odori\, don't miss the very special events of lighting of 1000 oi l lamps\, and live Taiko in the center stage.&nbsp\;\n<strong>Senshin Obon Bon Odori Tips</strong>\nGo early to get a seat\nDon't miss the start of the Bon Odori\nDon't miss the lighting of 1000 oil lamps\nDon't miss the l ive Taiko after bon odori dancing\n<strong>Schedule&nbsp\;\n</strong>4:30 pm: Senshinji Hatsubon Service\n<strong>7:00 pm: Senshinji Bon Odori\n</st rong>9:00 pm: Omairi in Hondo\, Sento Shogon (1000 oil lamps)\, Otoki\n10: 00 pm: Horaku: Kinnara Taiko\, etc\n<strong>Bon Odori Dance Time\n</strong >7:00 pm - 9:00 pm DTSTAMP:20240911T142459Z SUMMARY:Senshin Buddhist Temple Obon Odori URL:/en/events/2019/06/29/senshin-buddhist-temple-obon-odori/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR