BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20181103T000000Z DTEND:20181103T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for an intimate talk with author <strong>Sayaka Murata< /strong>\, winner of the prestigious Akutagawa Prize and one of Japan's mo st highly acclaimed comtemporary writers. Deemed <em>Vogue Japan</em>'s Wo man of the Year in 2016\, Murata has authored 10 novels and become the dar ling of the Japanese literary scene. Her English-language debut\, <em>Conv enience Store Woman</em>\, provides a glimpse into Japanese society throug h the eyes of an observant misfit. At this program\, Murata will discuss h er recent work in conversation with translator <strong>Ginny Tapley Takemo ri</strong>.\n\n<em>Followed by a book signing and Japanese convenience st ore themed reception.</em>\n<strong>Tickets: </strong>$15/$12 members\, se niors\, students\n\n oman-meet-author-sayaka-murata DTSTAMP:20241014T143439Z SUMMARY:Convenience Store Woman: Meet Author Sayaka Murata URL:/en/events/2018/11/03/convenience-store-woman-meet-author-sayaka-murata / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR