BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180226T000000Z DTEND:20180226T000000Z DESCRIPTION:KANARIYA EIRAKU\, from Tokyo\, Japan performs Rakugo in English for International Organizations\, at foreign embassies and educational in stitutions\, from elementary schools to colleges.\n\nRakugo is a 400 year old tradition of comic storytelling in Japan. A minimalistic performance\, Rakugo features a lone storyteller dressed in a kinomo\, kneeling on a za bution (cushion)\, while using only a fan and a hand towel for props.&nbsp \; They entertain the audience with a comical monologue followed by a trad itional story.\n\nEiraku believes Rakugo is beneficial in life and English Rakugo will help people acquire English language skills\, develop a sense of humor and improve their presentation skills.\n\nLimited Seating - RSVP Required\, JAMsj Members will be allowed to make reservations until Janua ry 14\, 2018. RSVP's will be open to the public after January 15\, 2018.\n \nContact: or call (408) 294-3138 to reserve a sp ot.\n\nEvent is free - Thanks to our sponsors JAMsj\, SMJACC\, JCCNC\, and Country Inns &amp\; Suites. DTSTAMP:20240914T144347Z SUMMARY:English Rakugo from Japan URL:/en/events/2018/02/26/english-rakugo-from-japan/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR