BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170603T000000Z DTEND:20170603T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In 2016\, JANM was gifted with the <a href=" /press/release/409" target="_blank">George &amp\; Brad Takei Collection</a >\, which formed the basis of the <em>New Frontiers</em> exhibition. Bring your lunch and join JANM collections staff as they look at <em>Star Trek< /em> and other artifacts that did not make it into the show.\n\nSpace is l imited\; RSVP by May 25 to <a href="">memberev</a> or 213.830.5646.\n\nIn conjunction with the exhibition < a href="" target="_blank">New F rontiers: The Many Worlds of George Takei</a>\n\nCheck <a href="http://www" target="_blank"></a> for updates. DTSTAMP:20250118T145119Z SUMMARY:Members Only Learning at Lunch: The George &amp\; Brad Takei Collec tion\, Part 2 URL:/en/events/2017/06/03/members-only-learning-at-lunch-the-george-amp-b/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR