BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170507T000000Z DTEND:20170507T000000Z DESCRIPTION:On Sunday\, May 7<sup>th</sup>\, the&nbsp\;<strong>Okinawa Asso ciation of America (OAA)</strong>&nbsp\;will bring the sights\, sounds\, a nd spirit of the Ryūkyū Islands to the&nbsp\;<strong>James R. Armstrong Theatre</strong>&nbsp\;in Torrance! Titled&nbsp\;<strong><em>"Utayabira Wu duyabira"</em></strong>&nbsp\;&ndash\; which means "let's sing\, let's dan ce" in&nbsp\;<em>Uchinaaguchi</em>&nbsp\;(the Okinawan language) &ndash\; this biennial concert is one of the only recurring events in Los Angeles t hat focuses on the performing arts of Okinawa.\n\nThis event commemorates the 30th anniversary of the OAA's&nbsp\;<em>Geinobu</em>&nbsp\;(Performing Arts Committee)\, a group that was formed by first generation Okinawan im migrants who wished to perpetuate the traditional performing arts for futu re generations. Even though Okinawan performances in Los Angeles date back to the early 1900s\, the&nbsp\;<em>Geinobu</em>&nbsp\;was officially form ed in 1987 and united over 20 groups and schools.\n\nIn addition to tradit ional celebratory numbers\, the concert explores the significance of land and sea in the daily lives of Okinawans. The rustic sounds of the traditio nal instruments and the dancer's resplendent costumes perfectly capture th e essence of Okinawa's scenery: its lush forests\, its vast farmlands\, an d of course its gorgeous blue waters.\n\nA number of special performances have been planned for this celebration: Local instructors will debut origi nal choreographies that reflect the concert's theme and an original classi cal&nbsp\;<em>taiko</em>&nbsp\;(drum) piece composed by Mitsufumi Shimabuk uro (1920 - 2006)\, a National Living Treasure of Japan\, will be performe d for the very first time in the United States!\n\nSunday\, May 7<sup>th</ sup>\, 2:00 PM\, James R. Armstrong Theatre (3330 Civic Center Drive\, Tor rance\, 90503). Doors open at 1:30 PM. Tickets (general admission) are $20 and can be purchased by contacting the OAA at&nbsp\;<strong>oaamensore@gm</strong>&nbsp\;or&nbsp\;<strong>310-532-1929</strong>. If availabl e\, tickets will also be sold at the door. DTSTAMP:20240917T094955Z SUMMARY:Okinawan Music &amp\; Dance Concert\, "Utayabira Wuduyabira" URL:/en/events/2017/05/07/okinawan-music-dance-concert-utayabira-wuduyab/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR