BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170523T000000Z DTEND:20170527T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>The Flomenhaft Gallery</strong>&nbsp\;is proud to prese nt an exhibit of the newest exciting paintings by&nbsp\;<strong>Roger Shim omura.</strong>&nbsp\;He said of his art\, &ldquo\;Central to my work is t he manipulation of common objects into something other than what they are. &rdquo\; In fact all of Roger&rsquo\;s art is about Roger and reflects his connection to American Pop Art as he manipulates not only objects but peo ple\, sometimes harshly\, sometimes with humor. He is third generation Jap anese American\, known as a Sansei\, and he was two years old when his fam ily was taken along with 120\,000 other Japanese Americans from their home s\, their businesses\, leaving all their belongings\, and put into Minidok a\, one of the many internment camps where they remained behind bars throu ghout World War II. That experience has lived forever in his memory and ha s created in Roger a deep sense of empathy for discrimination against any and all races and religions in America. His art is created with a great se nse of humanity\, reflecting his association with every bias that might th reaten our democracy. DTSTAMP:20240920T074857Z SUMMARY:Roger Shimomura: Minidoka and Beyond URL:/en/events/2017/05/23/roger-shimomura-minidoka-and-beyond/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR